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Health Information
Speech Therapy for Articulation Disorders in Children 兒童構音異常語言治療
2024/3/29A child with an articulation disorder has problems forming speech sounds properly.
Postoperative Health Education Instructions for Tongue Suspension Sutures 舌根懸吊手術後衛教說明
2024/3/29The implanted temporary anchorage device (TAD) is fixed to the mandible, and then the suture on the TAD is pulled back through the to fix the tongue root forward, prevent its posterior part from falling back during sleep, alleviate the respiratory arrest and hypoxia caused by the collapse of the respiratory tract, clear the airways during sleep on one’s back, and further treat snoring and sleep apnea.
Snoring and Sleep Apnea Syndrome 打鼾與睡眠呼吸中止症候群
2024/3/29Snoring is a common phenomenon that most people consider normal. Is snoring a disease? Does snoring need treatment?
Assessment of Vocal Cords 聲帶評估
2024/3/29How long ago did hoarseness first appear? How many times has hoarseness occurred? How long has the hoarseness lasted this time?
Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy 下鼻甲肥大
2024/3/29When you look in the mirror, you can see a round pink soft tissue in the nasal cavity, and it is the inferior turbinate.
Tonsillitis 扁桃腺炎
2024/3/29The tonsils are located at the back of the throat with two tonsil-like tissues on each side.
Dizzy Spells, Tinnitus, Hearing Loss - Meniere's Disease 經常天旋地轉、耳鳴、聽力差 - 梅尼爾氏症
2024/3/29The etiology of Meniere's disease has not been fully understood, but the primary pathological mechanism is endolymphatic edema.
Cervical Lymphadenopathy 頸部淋巴結腫大
2024/3/29Lymph nodes are a part of the body's immune system, helping the body fight against the invasion of foreign bacteria, viruses and so on.
Vocal Cord Disorders 聲帶疾病
2024/3/29Generally speaking, vocal cord disorders include acute or chronic chorditis, vocal cord nodules, vocal cord polyps, vocal cord malignant tumors, degenerative vocal cord atrophy, vocal cord incompetence, and the causes include vocal cord atrophy, vocal cord paralysis, etc,
The Correlation between Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids in Infants and Young Children 認識嬰幼兒聽損與助聽輔具的關係
2024/3/29At present, the AABR (automated auditory brainstem response) screener and OAE (otoacoustic emissions) analyzer are the main screening tools for neonatal hearing in the world.