Health Information
Health Information
Benefits of Hearing Aids for Both Ears 雙耳配戴助聽器的好處
2024/3/29In daily life, it is very important to be able to hear and distinguish the source of sound.
Instructions for Cataract Patients After Surgery 白內障病人術後須知
2024/3/28Do not wash your face within 7 days; wash your hair at least 4 days later at a beauty parlor in a lying-down fashion, in which small drops of water falling into your eyes are not allowed to avoid eye infection.
Health Education Instructions After Cataract Extraction and Intraocular Lens Implantation 白內障摘除及人工水晶體置入手術後衛教說明
2024/3/28An Intraocular lens (IOL) is used to surgically remove the natural lens of cataract patients, which has become cloudy.
Cataract Treatment 白內障治療新知
2024/3/28Twenty or 30 years ago, cataract surgery was technically required to wait until the lens had matured and hardened. Now, thanks to advances in technology, it is easy to remove hardened lenses by emulsification or laser.
Xerophthalmia 了解乾眼症
2024/3/28Xerophthalmia, as the name suggests, is a medical condition in which the eye feels dry. In fact, it is more than that.
Prevention and Treatment of Xerophthalmia 乾眼症的防治
2024/3/28The treatment of xerophthalmia is mainly to find out the cause of the disease and prescribe the right medicine according to the symptoms.
Treatment Options for Myopia Correction 近視的矯治方法
2024/3/28Timing for correction: Poor eyesight caused by abnormal refraction (possibly myopia with astigmatism). If the words are not clear on the blackboard and whiteboard in class, which will affect children's study, and they would squint at things, tilt their head or look sideways, and always like to move forward when watching TV, they need to consider wearing a pair of glasses.
Myopia Care 如何做近視的保健
2024/3/28Blue light enlarges the eye axis and equator (causing myopia). Green light, white light and red light do not affect or improve myopia.
Myopia 近視
2024/3/28"Doctor, I forbid children to watch TV and take them outdoors on holidays. Why is he/she myopic? "Myopia, is it real or pseudomyopia? Does he/she need to wear glasses? A barrage of questions are fired by anxious parents at the clinic.
Classification and Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy 糖尿病視網膜病變分類及治療
2024/3/28The causes of diabetic retinopathy are linked to retinal hypoxia, vascular wall dysfunction, microvascular wall cell reduction, agglutination and proliferation of blood cells and platelets. Diabetic retinopathy can be divided into three categories: