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Health EducationRadiation synovectomy with Yttrium-90 Microspheres 核醫釔-90放射滑膜治療
2024/1/17Mainly applies to the monoarthritis or oligoarthritis of chronic inflammatory arthritis, particularly rheumatoid polyarthritis.
Dietary Principles for Fracture Patients 骨折病人飲食原則
2024/1/15Bones are mainly composed of calcium; fractured patients with deficient calcium should intake more food containing such nutrient.
Calcium Content in Common Taiwanese Foods 國人常見食物鈣含量表
2024/1/15In addition, a teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice can be added to the soup with bone meat to release calcium from the bones, while preserving pork chops or chicken cutlets can also release calcium from the bones, and add some butter to the stir-fried vegetables.
Preventive Health Care for Bone Weakness and Loss (Osteoporosis) 骨虛損(骨質疏鬆症)的預防保健
2024/1/2Osteoporosis is a phenomenon of bone loss, where the bone mineral density eventually declines to a state lower than the sustaining power for human body, the body will likely to encounter skeletal deformation and bone fracture.
Growing Pains - Common Orthopedic Problems in Children 成長痛 - 小朋友常見的骨科問題
2024/1/2About 15-30% of normal children before and after school age often suffer from limb pain when they grow up, which is diagnosed as "growing pains" by doctors.
Osteomyelitis 認識骨髓炎
2024/1/2Infection and inflammation of the bone or the bone marrow can be classified as acute or chronic.
Indications for Orthopedics & Traumatology in Chinese Medicine 中醫骨傷科適應症
2023/12/26The main diseases of Orthopedics & Traumatology in Chinese Medicine include bone and joint diseases, nerve and soft tissue diseases, sports injuries, and wound diseases.
Daily Care for Lower Back Pain in Chinese Medicine 下背痛的中醫日常保健
2023/12/26Most people have experience with lower back pain and the average people will heal by taking some days of rest or improve back posture in addition to strengthening the muscular endurance.
Daily Care for Knee Pain (Rheuma) 膝關節疼痛(痺症)的日常保健
2023/12/26Knee pain is a common disease among middle-aged and senior.
Daily Care for Osteoclasis (Bone Fracture) 折骨(骨折)的日常保健
2023/12/26Patients should receive full rest and keep the area fastened without moving around.