Department Introduction
Major Milestones
Time Line
Li-Yuan Bai is the director of the department, and Dr. Shih-Peng Yeh is promoted to the deputy director of the Department of Internal Medicine.
Li-Yuan Bai is the director of the department, and Dr. Shih-Peng Yeh is promoted to the deputy director of the Department of Internal Medicine.
Chemotherapy Medicine and professional inquiry system was awarded the Medical Quality award from the Joint Commission of Taiwan.
Chemotherapy Medicine and professional inquiry system was awarded the Medical Quality award from the Joint Commission of Taiwan.
Doctor Shih-Peng Yeh was appointed Director of the Division
Doctor Shih-Peng Yeh was appointed Director of the Division
Doctor Chang-Fang Chiu was appointed the Vice-President of Cancer Centre.
Doctor Chang-Fang Chiu was appointed the Vice-President of Cancer Centre.
Blood producing steam cell implant team was awarded the National SNQ medical Quality Award
Blood producing steam cell implant team was awarded the National SNQ medical Quality Award
The severe medical centre building was officially launched. 19 C ward was expanded to 5 & 6 H.
The severe medical centre building was officially launched. 19 C ward was expanded to 5 & 6 H.
Doctor Chang-Fang Chiu was appointed the Director and multiple Cancer Teams and Stem Cell implant systems.
Doctor Chang-Fang Chiu was appointed the Director and multiple Cancer Teams and Stem Cell implant systems.
Official Establishment of Division of Hematology and Oncology, with Doctor Yung-Lung Wen appointed as Director.