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Doctor Introduction


Doctor Introduction

Cheng-Di Chiu
Cheng-Di Chiu

Attending Physician

Cheng-Di Chiu

Attending Physician
Dr. Chiu is the Vice Director of the Spine Center and a collaborator with the Medical Intelligence Center. He studied at Kyoto University in Japan and is known for his excellent skills in minimally invasive spine surgery, endoscopic surgery, and spinal tumor surgeries. He is recognized for his research in spinal cord injury stem cell treatments.

Spinal surgery
Minimal invasive surgery


Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine of National Defense Medical Center, Medical Ph.D.
EMBA, School of Management accounting and management decision-making master's class of National Taiwan Unervisity
MD, School of Medicine, China Medical University


Attending Physician of Neurosurgery, China Medical University Hospital
Chief of Neurosurgical Department of Taichung and Changhua hospital, Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Chief of Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Assistant professor, Graduate institute of biomedical sciences, China Medical University, Taiwan

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