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Am I Eligible for a Kidney Transplant? 您適合做腎臟移植嗎?


Am I Eligible for a Kidney Transplant? 您適合做腎臟移植嗎?


Successful kidney transplantation is the best treatment for uremia. Not only is the quality of life the highest among the three therapies (hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, kidney transplantation) for end-stage renal failure, but the survival rate is also the best. However, is this treatment suitable for every nephropathy patient?

The following are some cases that are not fit for kidney transplantation for reference:

Patients with Untreatable Cancer

  • If a patient has an untreatable cancer, receiving anti-rejection drugs after a kidney transplant often accelerates the metastasis of the cancer. For those who have ever had cancer, but have been successfully treated, kidney transplantation can be considered after careful evaluation and at least 2 years of observation for non-recurrence except non-invasive skin cancer. 
  • Since the recurrence period of each cancer is different, patients with uremia who have suffered from cancer must first consult a kidney transplant physician about detailed evaluation and explanation before receiving kidney transplantation.

AIDS Patients

  • Because of their poor immune function, AIDS patients are not suitable for kidney transplantation. There are some preliminary reports of successful kidney transplantation cases abroad, but it is generally believed that it is in the stage of human experiment rather than the general rule.

Hepatitis B and C Patients

  • Where cirrhosis is present, it is not suitable for kidney transplantation, because liver failure and liver cancer are more likely to occur after kidney transplantation. However, the long-term survival rate of carriers without cirrhosis after renal transplantation is also slightly worse than that of non-carriers, which should be considered by patients with uremia.
  • If kidney transplantation is still required, it is better to measure the amount of hepatitis B virus in blood before operation, and then treat hepatitis B with interferon and/or entecavir/lamivudine or take entecavir/lamivudine on a long-term basis after kidney transplantation to prevent hepatitis B virus reproduction. For carriers of hepatitis C, there are new drugs for the treatment of the disease. The cure rate is very high. Therapy received either before or after kidney transplantation can be evaluated by doctors.

Other Conditions

  • Severe heart disease
  • Severe obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Those who cannot afford anesthetic risk
  • Patients with uremia who do not like taking medicine or often forget to take it (anti-rejection drugs if taken on an irregular basis will lead to long-term renal rejection and failure)
  • Serious mental illness
  • Alcoholics or drug addicts
  • Those with other diseases whose expected survival time is less than 2 years

None of the above conditions are suitable for kidney transplantation.

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