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Common Complication of Hemodialysis: Muscle Spasm 血液透析中常見併發症:肌肉痙攣


Common Complication of Hemodialysis: Muscle Spasm 血液透析中常見併發症:肌肉痙攣


Muscle cramps frequently occur in the lower extremity muscles, which feel stiff, tingling and severe pain.


  • Improper ultrafiltration
    1. Excessive amounts of ultrafiltration per unit time
    2. Excessive amounts of total ultrafiltration
  • The ideal weight is set too low
  • Imbalance of electrolytes (e.g. calcium and phosphorus) in the blood
  • Serum electrolytes imbalance (e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus)

Prevention and Handling

  • Don't change your posture quickly. Keep your body warm.
  • Apply a hot compress to the spastic site.
  • Massage the muscle and fix the spastic site; get up and walk around after dialysis.
  • Reduce the amount of ultrafiltration and slow down the blood flow according to doctor's advice.
  • Intravenous infusion of saline is given according to the doctor's advice.
  • Slowly inject 50% glucose solution as directed.

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