- Heatstroke patients must be treated immediately to avoid permanent organ damage.
- First, cool down the body temperature of heatstroke patient.
- Move the heatstroke patient to a cool and well ventilated place.
- Lower the patient's body temperature as soon as possible, remove clothing, and spray cold or lukewarm water on the skin.
- Blow air or wave a fan to make air move around the patient to increase sweating and perspiration.
- If people with heatstroke can drink water, make them drink cold water or cool drinks (no alcohol or caffeine).
- If unconscious, make sure the airway is open and give oxygen if necessary.
- Monitor temperature with a thermometer and continue cooling until the temperature drops to 38.3-38.8 ℃.
- Take the patient to hospital for treatment.

Heatstroke Treatment 中暑治療
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 17204
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 17204