Health Information
Instructions for blunt trauma 急診—鈍挫傷須知
Instructions for blunt trauma 急診—鈍挫傷須知
Hidden fracture
When a bone is impacted, if the fracture site is very small or the fracture line is very thin, and the bone on the impact surface is not displaced, the initial X-ray will show normal. We call it "hidden fracture". The incidence is 7 ~ 45%. After physical activity, after several days or even weeks, follow the X-rays to see the fracture more clearly.
Potential nerve, muscle, and ligament damage
Joints are composed of muscles, nerves, ligaments, and blood vessels. When joints are injured, these accessory tissues will be affected. However, during the period of joint swelling, these injuries are difficult to inspect. Usually, the swelling of the joints is relieved a few days after the injury, and further related examinations are required.
Delayed internal bleeding
When the trunk is impacted, some blood capillaries (non-arterial, venous bleeding) are not easy to be found right away, and symptoms may gradually appear after hours or days. Therefore, delayed hemothorax, intra-abdominal hemorrhage, and posterior abdominal cavity can be seen clinically Bleeding, etc., so you need to pay attention to related symptoms at any time.
If you have one of the following situations, please return to our hospital for treatment as soon as possible
- Continuous and severe pain at the contusion.
- Persistent joint swelling and continuous limitation of joint range of motion.
- Abdominal distension, abdominal pain, back pain, low back pain and other symptoms worsen.
- If you have difficulty breathing, chest tightness, pale complexion, cold sweats, and postural dizziness, please come back as soon as possible.
- If your condition is stable, please return to the clinic for follow-up within 3 days after the injury.
- If you have any questions after leaving the hospital, please use the emergency 24-hour consultation service phone:
- Medical consultation telephone: (04) 22052121 ext. 15150 or 15151
- Drug consultation telephone: (04) 22052121 ext. 15124
- Pediatric medical consultation telephone: (04) 22052121 ext. 15158
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 15150