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Health Education
Health EducationProstate-Specific Antigen Interpretation 攝護腺特定抗原PSA判斷說
2024/1/29Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein that exists in epithelium in prostate only and can be tested easily through blood test.
Overactive Bladder 膀胱過動症
2024/1/29The prevalence rate of urinary incontinence in adult women is between 10-30%. According to the survey conducted in 1998 in 11 countries in Asia by APCAB (Asia Pacific Continence Advisory), about 15.1% of women and 5.8% of man suffered from urinary incontinence.
Screening for Prostate Cancer through A Digital Rectal Exam 攝護腺癌篩檢 肛門指診
2024/1/29The prostate is a male organ, located under the bladder, about the size of table tennis. Its main function is to secrete the prostate fluid and maintain sperm motility after ejaculation.
Foley catheter’s daily care 留置導尿管的生活照顧
2024/1/17All patients should drink plenty of water to urinate more than 2000c.c. of urine to prevent urinary tract infection; yet patients being refrained from water drinking are not included in this category.
Nuclear Medicine Gastrointestinal Bleeding Scan 核醫腸胃道出血掃描
2024/1/17The purpose of nuclear medicine gastrointestinal bleeding scan is to detect the timing and location of gastrointestinal bleeding when such bleeding cannot be located by upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy.
Meckel Diverticulum Scan 核醫梅克爾憩室症檢查
2024/1/17If there is a possibility of being pregnant, do not undergo this procedure. Please inform your care provider in advance.
Xofigo® for management of painful bone metastases in prostate cancer 核醫鐳治骨®攝護腺癌骨轉移疼痛
2024/1/17The treatment of patients with castrate-resistant prostate cancer that has spread to bones with symptoms, but not to other parts of the body.
Male Intermittent Self Catheterization 男性間歇性清潔自我導尿須知
2024/1/4When patients have a hard time emptying bladder on their own, they may have their care taker or themselves utilize self-catheterized intermit clean.
Female Intermittent Self-Catheterization 女性間歇性清潔自我導尿須知
2024/1/4Patients that could not void under normal situation can perform I.C. by themselves or by their caregivers.
Care after Prostate Biopsy through Rectum 經直腸攝護腺切片檢查後須知
2024/1/4Avoid riding on scooters or bikes within 2 weeks after the procedure to lower the risks of hematuria and urine retention (unable to urinate) is recommanded. Also avoid sex activities and dramatic exercises.