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Health EducationGuidelines for Patients Undergoing Laser Vaporization and Transurethral Resection of the Prostate 經尿道攝護腺雷射汽化切割術後病人須知
2024/1/2Laser vaporization and transurethral resection of the prostate is performed by means of a cystoscope passing through the urethra and vaporizing and resecting the prostrate with a laser. The surgery itself is quite safe, but most of the patients undergoing the operation are of high age group and have low physical tolerance, so cerebrovascular and heart disease accidents may occur during and after the operation, but the incidence rate is very low.
Preventive Care for Menstrual Cramps 經痛的預防保健
2024/1/2The lower abdominal pain and backache during menstruation or before and after menstruation.
Adjustment Guidelines for Leucorrhea (Vaginal Discharge) in Chinese Medicine 帶下病(白帶)中醫調整注意事項
2024/1/2Vaginal discharge with repeated breakout can adjust the overall physique in Chinese medicine to boost the body immunity and reduce recurrence.
Acute appendicitis 小兒闌尾炎
2024/1/2The typical abdominal tenderness starts from the periumbilical area and then shift to the right lower quadrant abdomen.
Inguinal hernia 小兒腹股溝疝氣
2024/1/2The abdominal cavity and scrotum are connected in fetus. Under general condition, the connection is closed spontaneously before birth.
A new option for the treatment of uterine fibroids- HIFU Ablation Therapy 子宮肌瘤治療新選擇-海芙消融治療術(HIFU)
2023/12/26HIFU (High Intensity Focus Ultrasound), is a new noninvasive treatment for uterine.
OBS/ GNY Instructions for hospitalization before surgery 婦產部手術住院前須知
2023/12/26Please report to the inpatient center on the first floor of Lifu Medical Building after waiting for the notification from the inpatient center according to the scheduled date and time.
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia 子宮頸上皮內贅瘤
2023/12/26There is evidence indicating that 90% of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) patients with cervical cancer are associated with early age sexual activities and poor hygiene.
Ovarian benign tumor 認識卵巢良性腫瘤
2023/12/26Ovaries are attached to the uterus, one on each side. It is the female reproductive organ.
The matters about the Laparoscopy caring 腹腔鏡手術照護須知
2023/12/26The laparoscopy is a kind of endoscopy, which insufflates CO2 gas into abdominal cavity to aid diagnosis of abdominal cavity or to undergo treatments.