Doctor Introduction
Otorhinolaryngology(ENT),Head and Neck SurgeryDoctor
Department of Surgery
Related Department
Surgery of Head Neck Oncology Basic Research of Head Neck Cancers
Middle ear surgery Diagnosis and management of tinnitus and dizziness Neuroplasticity in central auditory tract Pediatric airway diseases Infectious diseases in ENT fields
Rhinitis & Rhinosinusitis Sino-nasal Neoplasms Skull-base Disorders Upper Airway Obstruction
Middle ear surgery Diagnosis and management of tinnitus and dizziness Neuroplasticity in central auditory tract Infectious diseases in ENT fields
Multidisciplinary treatment of head and neck cancers
Surgical treatment of head and neck tumors/cancers
Robotic surgery for head and neck disease
Esthetic surgery for head and neck tumor excision
Laryngeal airway surgery - Dysphonia, larygeal & hypopharyngeal cancer
Sleep surgery and Sleep medicine
Head and neck cancer surgery research (speech and swallowing research, clinical and basic sciences research)
Clinical –Allergic Rhinitis, Septal surgery, Endoscopic sinus surgery, Endoscopic skull base surgery, Rhinoplasty, Sleep surgery Research – Allergic rhinitis, Chronic rhinosinusitis, Sinus surgery, Nasal polyps, Inverted papilloma, Sinus cancer, Nasopharyngeal cancer, Oral cancer
Laryngology Rhinology Otology Obstructive sleep apnea and snoring Head and neck disease
Head and Neck tumor Surgery Endoscopic thyroid Surgery Oral cavity cancer Surgery Other ENT Surgery