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Health Education
Health EducationAfter Thoracoscopic Surgery, Please Note The Following 胸腔手術後的注意事項
2024/1/2After surgery, take deep breath and cough effectively at least once every 1 to 2 hours within 24-48 hours after surgery.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) prevention guidelines 嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(SARS)預防建議
2024/1/2Maintain good personal hygiene. Wash hands after sneezing, coughing, blowing your nose or touching public equipment.
User Instructions for Handheld Nebulizer (HHN) 手持式袪痰噴霧器(HHN)使用說明
2024/1/2Bronchiectasis and asthma can be improved.
Home Care for Asthma Patients 氣喘病人的居家照顧
2024/1/2Asthma refers to the allergic reaction of respiratory tract due to chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract, swelling or narrowing bronchial mucosa that causes bronchial spasm and difficulty in breathing.
Bronchoscopy Examination 支氣管鏡檢查
2024/1/2Through bronchoscopy, physicians could directly see the normal structure and abnormal pathological changes of the airways.
Pneumonia 小兒肺炎
2024/1/2Pneumonia is an infection of the lung that causes fluid to collect in the air sacs ( alveoli ).
Respiratory Care of the Infants at Home 嬰幼兒呼吸道的居家照顧
2024/1/2Infants get common cold or respiratory tract illness when season changes or in the fall or winter.
Care for Infants with Heart Disease at Home (I) 心臟病嬰居家照護須知(一)
2024/1/2Observe if the temperature of four extremities are warm, wet-cold or cold. Normal body temperature: 36.6 ~ 37.4 ℃.
Croup 小兒哮吼
2024/1/2Croup is characterized by a harsh "barking" cough and sneeze, aspiratory stridor ( a high-pitched sound heard on inhalation ), nausea/vomiting, and fever.
How to suck out phlegm for the patient 如何為病人抽痰?
2024/1/2Pump gauge cock open, adjust gauge to its suitable pressure ( adult 120 ~ 150 mmHg, babies and infants 60 ~ 100 mmHg ), prevent it from being over-pressurized, or cause mucous membrane damages.