Doctor Introduction
Specialty Care SectionsDoctor
Healthy and healthy
Hospice care
Aesthetic Laser Treatment
Minimal invasive Procedure
Body Shape Contouring Sculpting
Spider Vein treatment-Sclerotherapy and Pulse Dye Laser
The Best Physician China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan(5 times)(2000 ,2001, 2002, 2003, 2004)
The Best Teaching Attending Physician China Medicine University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan(2008)
Distinguished Teaching Professor, College of Chinese Medicine, CMU (2011)
The research themes in my department aim to randomized controlled clinical trial of Acupuncture, For example : Stroke ,Carpal tunnel syndrome, Depression, Fibromyaligia, Rib fracture ,Sudden hearing loss, Back pain, so on.. Next step We want to know mechanism of acupuncture in Tranditional chinese medicine theory
Family Medicine Palliative/Hospice care Obesity treatment Prevention Medicine
Endoscopic neurosurgery
Functional neurosurgery
Epilepsy surgery
Pediatric neurosurgery
Sleep Medicine
COPD and Asthma
Lung cancer
Critical and Respiratory Care
Laryngeal airway surgery - Dysphonia, larygeal & hypopharyngeal cancer
Sleep surgery and Sleep medicine
Head and neck cancer surgery research (speech and swallowing research, clinical and basic sciences research)
Director Mao-Tsu Fuh is an authority voice in diabetes; he specializes in 1) Health improvement of high risk diabetes individuals; 2) Diabetes related complications circulatory system diseases; 3) Diabetes related function prevention & treatment; 4) Peripheral neuropathy & diabetes prevention & treatment; 5) Treatment of diabetes high risk birth. In the past 5-10 years, Director Mao-Tsu Fuh has actively dedicated his time to cloud medical information platforms, virtual hospitals, development of AI and the patent of wearable apparatus in efforts to enhance joint diabetes care; including continuous medical personnel training, diabetic patient’s self-care model and long term hygiene education.
Diabetes Mellitus
Thyroid disease
Traditional Chinese medicine
General Endocrinology
Diabetes Mellitus and Its complications
Pulmonary medicine
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Pulmonary hypertension