期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 謝博帆(Po-Fan Hsieh)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、楊啟瑞(Che-Rei Yang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、陳至正(Chi-Cheng Chen)、陳國樑(Chen, Kuo-Liang)、張士三(Chang, Shi-San)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、鄒頡龍(Chieh-Lung Chou)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)*,C index is associated with both short-term and long-term renal functional outcome after partial nephrectomy,Urological Science,2013 May,24(2):46-50 | 2013 . 05 |
2 | 謝博帆(Po-Fan Hsieh)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、陳至正(Chen, Chi-Cheng)、陳國樑(Chen, Kuo-Liang)、張士三(Chang, Shi-San)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、鄒頡龍(Chieh-Lung Chou)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)*,The impact of gender and size on the pathology of small renal mass,KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES,2012 Jul,28(7):369-372 | 2012 . 07 |
3 | 陳國樑(Kuo-Liang Chen)、蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)、張士三(CHANG S.S.)*,Surveillance of Male Genital Anomalies in Newborns: Experience in a Medical Center in Central Taiwan,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2008 Jun,13(2):95-99 | 2008 . 06 |
4 | 謝登富(Teng-Fu Hsieh)、張兆祥(Chaog-Hsian Chang)、張士三(Shih-San Chang)*,Foreskin development before adolescence in 2149 schoolboys,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UROLOGY,2006 ,13(7):968-970 | 2006 . |
5 | 林殿璜、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、葉進仲(Chin-Chung Yeh)、陳武男、張士三(Shi-San Chang)、呂學甫(Hsuen-Fu Lu)、陳昶仲(Chang-Chung Chen)、楊慶鏘(Ching-Chiang Yang)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)、陳汶吉(Wen-Chi Chen)*,Efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy on the treatment of upper urinary tract stones,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2005 Jun,10(1):38-42 | 2005 . 06 |
6 | 陳昶仲(Chang-Chung Chen)、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、陳汶吉(Wen-Chi Chen)、葉進仲(Chin-Chung Yeh)、鄒頡龍(Eric Chieh-Lung Chou)、陳國樑(Kuo-Liang Chen)、楊慶鏘(Ching-Chiang Yang)、張士三(CHANG S.S.)*,Comparison of ten TRUS-guided and six sextant prostate biopsy in the prostate cancer detection,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2003 Dec,8(Suppl 2):S102-S107 | 2003 . 12 |
7 | (陳昶仲)、吳錫金(Wu,His-Chin)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsian)、葉進仲、鄒頡龍、(陳國梁)、楊慶鏘、張士三,十或十二針經直腸超音波攝護腺切片與傳統六針切片對攝護腺癌偵測的比較,中台灣醫學科學雜誌,2003 Nov,8(8):164-167 | 2003 . 11 |
8 | 吳瑞芳(Wu RF)、陳汶吉(Chen Wen-Chi)、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)、葉進仲(Jin-Jung Ye)、呂學甫(Lu HF)、張士三(CHANG S.S.)、楊慶鏘、鄒頡龍(Chieh-Lung Chou),Subcapsular hematoma of the kidney after extracorporeal shock-wave lithotrripsy,台灣泌尿科醫學會雜誌,1999 ,(10):164-167 | 1999 . |
9 | 葉進仲、楊慶鏘*、(陳建州)、高銘聰(Min-Tsung Kao)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、周昌德、(張萬森)、陳汶吉(Chen,Wen-Chi)、張士三、(呂學甫 吳錫金),Renal transplantation at a Medical center in Taiwan.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,1999 ,(4):121-128 | 1999 . |
10 | 張家昇(Chia-Sheng Chang)、林國瑞(Kuo-Juei Lin)、張士三(CHANG S.S.)、陳坤堡(Kuen-Bao Chen),Neuromuscular blackade for pediatric tracheal intubation : A comparison of Mivacurium and Succinylcholine,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,1998 ,(3):230-236 | 1998 . |
11 | 陳汶吉(Chen Wen-Chi)、盧建興(Lu CH)、呂學甫(Lu HF)、張士三(CHANG S.S.)、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu),Management of Urinary Fistuia,中台灣醫學科學雜誌,1997 ,(2):16-22 | 1997 . |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | Epidemiology of testicular tumors in Taiwan and subtype review – data from a medical center and Taiwan health insurance database,16th annual congress of Asia Pacific Association of Pediatric Urologists (APAPU 2014) 亞太小兒泌尿醫學會議,Nikko Japan , 日本日光,2014.11.20~2014.11.22, | 2014 . 11 |
2 | ,101年度台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2012.08.18~2012.08.19, | 2012 . 08 |
3 | THE ROLE OF HISTOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF CIRCUMCISION SPECIMENS,97年台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,輔仁大學醫學院,2008.08.30~2008.08.31, | 2008 . 08 |
4 | External Genital Screen for the Male Newborns in China Medical University Hospital,台灣泌尿科醫學會96年年會,台中市,2007.08.25~2007.08.26, | 2007 . 08 |
5 | The surgical results of renal cell carcinoma at CMUH,台灣泌尿科醫學會年會(國內/台灣 /台北) Aug-06,國內/台灣 /台北,2006.08.05~2006.08.06, | 2006 . 08 |
6 | The surgical results of renal cell carcinoma at CMUH,台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,台灣台北,2006.08~ , | 2006 . 08 |
7 | CYSTECTOMIES IN UREMIA PATIENTS: WHAT IS DIFFERENCE,94年度第14屆第2次會員大會暨第27次學術演講會,台灣高雄,2005.08~ , | 2005 . 08 |
8 | FORESKIN DEVELOPMENT BEFORE ADOLESCENCE IN SCHOOL BOYS,94年度第14屆第2次會員大會暨第27次學術演講會,台灣高雄,2005.08~ , | 2005 . 08 |
9 | RADICAL CYSTECTOMIES: A REVIEW OF CHINA MEDICAL UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE,94年度第14屆第2次會員大會暨第27次學術演講會,台灣高雄,2005.08~ , | 2005 . 08 |
10 | The Surgical Treatment for adrenal tumor causing cushing's syndrome,94年外科醫學會年會,台灣桃園縣,2005.03~ , | 2005 . 03 |
11 | Antireflux surgery of vesicoureteral reflux : experience in China Medical University Hospital,台灣外科醫學會第19屆第2次會員代表大會暨第64次學術演講會,長庚大學,2005.03.27~2005.03.27, | 2005 . 03 |
12 | The Surgical Treatment for adrenal tumor causing cushing's syndrome,94年外科醫學會年會,台灣台北縣,2005.03~ , | 2005 . 03 |
13 | Risk adjustment for evaluating the outcome of urological operation,94年外科醫學會年會,台灣桃園縣,2005.03~ , | 2005 . 03 |
14 | Risk Adjustment for evaluating the outcome of urological operation,94年外科醫學會年會,台灣台北縣,2005.03~ , | 2005 . 03 |
15 | Antireflux Surgery of Vesicoureteral Reflux : Experience in China Medical University Hospital,94年台灣外科醫學會年會,台灣台北縣,2005.03~ , | 2005 . 03 |
16 | The experience of laparoscopic surgery for the suprarenal lesions in the cmuh.,93年泌尿科年會醫學會,台灣台北,2004.08~ , | 2004 . 08 |
17 | Renal transplantation: limited experience from CMUH,九十三年外科醫學會,台灣台北,2004.03~ , | 2004 . 03 |
18 | Congenital Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction: Experience in CMUH.,台灣泌尿科醫學會92年會員大會,中國醫藥大學,2003.08.30~2003.08.31, | 2003 . 08 |
19 | Surgery treatment for upper urinary tract TCC,台灣泌尿科醫學會,,2003.08~ , | 2003 . 08 |
20 | Comparison with Incidental Detected and Symptomatic Renal Cell Carcinoma.,台灣泌尿科醫學會92年會員大會,中國醫藥大學,2003.08.30~2003.08.31, | 2003 . 08 |
21 | Laparoscopic surgery for upper urinary tract tcc-preliminary experiences in china medical college hospital<BR>,台灣泌尿科醫學會,,2003.08~ , | 2003 . 08 |
22 | Transitional cell carcinoma in uremic patients,台灣泌尿科醫學會,,2003.08~ , | 2003 . 08 |
23 | Upper Urinary Tract Tumor Coexisted with Urollithiasis.,中華民國泌尿科醫學會92年會員大會,北榮,2002.08.01~2002.08.01, | 2002 . 08 |
24 | The Possibility of Anterior Calyx to Be an Access of PCN or PCNL,台灣外科醫學會92年會員大會,高醫,2002.03.23~2002.03.23, | 2002 . 03 |
25 | Abdominal Non-Wilms’ Tumors in Children:Experience in CMCH.,台灣外科醫學會92年會員大會,高醫,2002.03.23~2003.03.23, | 2002 . 03 |
26 | Problem encountering in the removal of forgotten and encrusted double-J catheter,泌尿科醫學會,台灣台北市,1996.08~ , | 1996 . 08 |
27 | Mangement of urinary tract fistula,外科醫學會年會,台灣台北市,1996.03~ , | 1996 . 03 |
28 | Surgical treatment of hypospadias-personal experience in CMCH,外科醫學會年會,台灣台北市,1996.03~ , | 1996 . 03 |
29 | Emphysematous pyelonephritis - 4 cases report,外科醫學會年會,台灣台北市,1996.03~ , | 1996 . 03 |
30 | Surgical correction of Vesicoureteral reflex in childern.,泌尿科醫學年會,台灣台北市,1995.06~ , | 1995 . 06 |