期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 謝尚霖(Hsieh Shang Lin)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、馮逸卿(Yi-Ching Fong)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)*,Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Inversed Restricted Kinematic Alignment Total Knee Arthroplasty by Asia Specific (Huang’s) Phenotypes, a Prospective Pilot Study,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2023 Mar,12(6):2110 | 2023 . 03 |
2 | 江晟弘(Chiang Cheng Hung)、李承諺(Cheng-Yen Li)、胡凱傑、傅一修(FU YI-HSIU)、邱靖之(CHIU CHING-CHIH)、夏嘉均(HSIA CHIA-CHUN)、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)*、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)*,The Association between Iron-Deficiency Anemia (IDA) and Septic Arthritis (SA): The Real-World Data,Medicina-Lithuania,2022 Apr,58(5):617 | 2022 . 04 |
3 | Abhishek Kum(Abhishek Kumar)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、謝尚霖(Hsieh Shang Lin)、郭建忠(Chien-Chung Kuo)、毛睿廷(Mao Jui Ting)、林爾笛(Lin, Erh-Ti)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,MAKOPLASTY MEDIAL UNICONDYLAR KNEE REPLACEMENT: CORRECTION OR POSTOPERATIVE ANGLE MATTERS?,International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery,2021 Dec,e2356(): | 2021 . 12 |
4 | 洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、郭繼陽、廖培劭(LIAO PEI-SHAO)、葉宸維(CHEN-WEI,YEH)、(許傑程)、林美辰(Lin, Mei-Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)*,Epidemiology of fatal/non-fatal Suicide Among Patients With Chronic Osteomyelitis (COM): A Nationwide Population-Based Study,JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH,2020 Jul,46(6): | 2020 . 07 |
5 | 陳冠儒(CHEN,KUAN-JU)、柯智淵(Chih-Yuan KO)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)*,A combination of bimalleolar fracture and fracture on talar body and neck: A rare case report,MEDICINE,2020 May,(): | 2020 . 05 |
6 | (Chun-Ta Yu)、(Fu-Ming Wang)、(Yen-Ting Liu)、黃慧瑜(NG HOOI-YEE)、鍾易融、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)*、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)*,Effect of bone morphogenic protein-2-loaded mesoporous strontium substitution calcium silicate/recycled fish gelatin 3D cell-laden scaffold for bone tissue engineering,Processes,2020 Apr,8():493 | 2020 . 04 |
7 | 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、廖培劭(LIAO PEI-SHAO)、周奕廷(Chou,Yi-Ting)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、許傑程(Chieh-Cheng Hsu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、黃俊銘(Jyun-Ming Huang)、王楊詒(Yang-Yi Wang)、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)*,The Incidence and Risk Factors of Hip Fracture after Liver Transplantation (LT): A Nationwide Population-Based Study,Biomed Research International,2019 Dec,2019(): | 2019 . 12 |
8 | 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、(Che-Nan Kuo)、(Cheng-Yu Chen)、彭佑寧(Peng Yu-Ning)、謝明佑(Ming-You Shie)*,Improved bioactivity of 3D printed porous titanium alloy scaffold with chitosan_magnesium-calcium silicate composite for orthopaedic applications,Materials,2019 Jan,12():203 | 2019 . 01 |
9 | 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、莫之欣、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、王大翊(Ta-i Wang)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Disorder-related risk factors for revision total hip arthroplasty after hip hemiarthroplasty in displaced femoral neck fracture patients: a nationwide population-based cohort study,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2016 Jun,11(1):66-66 | 2016 . 06 |
10 | 陳信銓、黃鐙樂(Teng-Le Huang)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、鄒錫凱(Hsi-Kai Tsou)、林維卿(Wei-Ching Lin)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*,A Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Surgery for Infectious Spondylodiscitis of the Thoracic and Upper Lumbar Spine in Immunocompromised Patients.,Biomed Research International,2015 Jul,2015(): | 2015 . 07 |
11 | 林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、李郁芬(Yu-Fen Li)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、林繼昌(Chi-Chang Lin)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)*,Clinical outcome and radiographic change of ipsilateral scapular neck and clavicular shaft fracture: comparison of operation and conservative treatment,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2015 Jan,10(9): | 2015 . 01 |
12 | 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、蔡筱琪(Hsiao-Chi Tsai)、(Ho-Ning Huang)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、黃元勵(Yuan-Li Huang)*、湯智昕(Tang Chih-Hsin)*,Resistin promotes tumor metastasis by down-regulation of miR-519d through the AMPK/p38 signaling pathway in human chondrosarcoma cells,Oncotarget,2015 Jan,6(1):258-270 | 2015 . 01 |
13 | 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*,Primary traumatic patellar dislocation,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,2012 Jun,7(21):1-6 | 2012 . 06 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | Metal-reinforced antibiotics cement articulating spacer for Prosthetic Knee Infection-a preliminary study,中華民國骨科醫學會113年度第86次聯合學術研討會,Taipei Marriott Hotel,2024.10.26~2024.10.27, | 2024 . 10 |
2 | Preventing Mechanical Complications of Knee Spacer Implantation: A Radiographic Analysis of 203 CADAS Articulating Spacers 預防膝佔位器機械性併發症:203個CADAS活動型佔位器的影像學分析,中華民國骨科醫學會113年度第85次春季聯合學術研討會,彰化基督教醫院-國際培訓中心,2024.04.20~2024.04.20, | 2024 . 04 |
3 | Preliminary Exploration of Implementing Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Protocols in Total Knee and Hip Arthroplasy: A Single-center Retrospective Analysis,2024台灣疼痛醫學會年會暨國際學術研討會,張榮發基金會國際會議中心,2024.04.27~2024.04.28, | 2024 . 04 |
4 | The experience of manual primary total knee arthroplasty and Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted system improved the initial learning curve ROSA robotic‑arm system,Current Concepts in Joint Replacement,美國奧蘭多,2023.12.13~2023.12.16, | 2023 . 12 |
5 | The effects on the functional ability of the hip joint in patients after total hip arthroplasty using direct anterior approach,16th ACPT congress 2023,Grand Richmond Hotel, Nonthaburi, Thailand,2023.11.25~2023.11.26, | 2023 . 11 |
6 | Navigation Aids in Measuring and Determining Limb Length for Total Hip Arthroplasty with Direct Anterior Approach導航系統前入路髖關節全置換手術協助腳長,中華民國骨科醫學會111年度第82次聯合學術研討會,台北萬豪酒店 第三會議廳 5樓,2022.10.29~2022.10.30, | 2022 . 10 |
7 | The Preliminary Function Result of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: CMUH Experience 中國附醫使用自體骨髓幹細胞治療膝關節炎 的初步結果及經驗,中華民國骨科醫學會【111年第81次春季聯合學術研討會】,高雄萬豪酒店,2022.04.9 ~2022.04.9 , | 2022 . 04 |
8 | Recurrent Deep Venous Thrombosis After Knee Arthroscopy: A Case Report 膝關節鏡術後深層靜脈血栓復發:一例病例報告,中華民國骨科醫學會【111年第81次春季聯合學術研討會】,高雄萬豪酒店,2022.04.9 ~2022.04.9 , | 2022 . 04 |
9 | ,2021 AO recon :Taiwan DAA combine rotating platform roundtable,高雄萬豪酒店會議廳,2021.12.5 ~2021.12.5 ,imaging planning for anterior approach with corail; from my sigma RP experience | 2021 . 12 |
10 | ,110年度台灣人工關節教育學會,台北君悅飯店會議廳,2021.12.4 ~2021.12.4 ,basic instrument of TKA | 2021 . 12 |
11 | ,2021Annual meeting of CAOS - Taiwan International congress on computer-assisted orthopedic surgery Academic activity of the 41th anniversary of CMUH,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓國際會議廳,2021.11.6 ~2021.11.7 , | 2021 . 11 |
12 | ,2021 AO recon : rotating platform experience roundtable,台北香格里拉飯店 會議廳,2021.09.18~2021.09.18,2021 AO recon : benefit of rotating platform | 2021 . 09 |
13 | ,台灣電腦輔助骨科手術學會110年度春季研討會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院癌症中心 1樓 階梯會 議廳,2021.04.25~2021.04.25,Direct anterior approach of THA : from manual operation to robotic surgery | 2021 . 04 |
14 | Case report:simultaneous bilateral subtrochanteric fractures in a multiple myeloma patient,中華民國骨科醫學會104年度第68次春季聯合學術研討會,嘉義長庚醫院,2015.04.25~2015.04.25, | 2015 . 04 |
15 | Clinical superiority and correlation of autologous PRP and growth factors concentration for cartilage regeneration and sport medicine therapy,中華民國骨科醫學會103年度第66次春季聯合學術研討會,台中榮總,2014.04.19~2014.04.19, | 2014 . 04 |
16 | Graft choice : Bone-tendon-bone,102年度中華民國關節鏡及膝關節醫學會春季學術研討會,台北榮總,2013.04.13~2013.04.13, | 2013 . 04 |
17 | Surgical Outcome of Acute Complete Acromioclavicular Dislocation: A Retrospective Comparasion of Three Internal Fixators,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, | 2012 . 10 |
18 | The Correlation of Bone Bruising with Post-traumatic Knee Arthritis Proved by Quantitative T2 MR,中華民國骨科醫學會101年度第63次聯合學術研討會,台北世貿,2012.10.27~2012.10.28, | 2012 . 10 |
19 | Allograft reconstruction for chronic extensor mechanism rupture,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第61次聯合學術研討會,台北 榮總,2011.10.29~2011.10.30, | 2011 . 10 |
20 | Teicoplanin-induced the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone in resectional knee arthroplasty: A case report and literature review,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2011.04.23, | 2011 . 04 |
21 | Simultaneous bilateral tibial tuberosity avulsion fracture: Case report,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2001.04.23, | 2011 . 04 |
22 | Boerhaave’s syndrome after postoperative nausea and vomiting: A case report,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2011.04.23, | 2011 . 04 |
23 | Trends in the treatment of distal radial fractures in the elderly in Taiwan during 2000 to 2007,中華民國骨科醫學會100年度第60次春季聯合學術研討會,高雄長庚,2011.04.23~2011.04.23, | 2011 . 04 |
24 | Treatment In Severe Open Fractures of Tibial Diaphysis- A Comarison of External Fixation,Immediate Nailing and Delayed Nailing Following External Fixation,中華民國骨科醫學會99年度第58次春季聯合學術研討會 ,台中,2010.04.24~2010.04.24, | 2010 . 04 |
25 | Simultaneousipsilateral posterior hip and knee fracture dislocations.,中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第56次春季聯合學術研討會,台南成大,2009.04.25~2009.04.25, | 2009 . 04 |
26 | Dose using calcium phosphate bone cement contribute to the maintainence of alignment in patients with distal radial fracture treated with CREF?,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,林口長庚,2008.10.25~2008.10.26, | 2008 . 10 |
27 | Iatrogenic FPL rupture: a compliction of percutaneous tenolysis for trigger thumb.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,長庚大學第二醫學大樓,2007.10.27~2007.10.28, | 2007 . 10 |
28 | A special view in radiography for diagnosis of scaphoid fracture.,Annual meeting of Orthopedic Association ROC,,Taipei, Taiwan.,2006.10.28~2006.10.29, | 2006 . 10 |
研究計畫/Research Grant (研究類型,研究計畫代號,主持人,補助或委託單位名稱,計畫名稱,計畫期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 個別型,CMU111-S-31,洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng),本校(含附醫),直接前入路與側入路全髖關節置換術後之功能恢復,2022.10.3~2023.7.31 | 2022 . 10 |
2 | 個別型,CMU110-N-01,許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng),本校(含附醫),置換不同旋轉設計之人工膝關節後本體感覺及步態功能之差異,2021.10.26~2022.7.31 | 2021 . 10 |
3 | 個別型,DMR-110-010,張恒鴻(Hen-Hong Chang)、蔡嘉哲(Jia-Zer Tsay)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng),附醫院內計畫,退化性膝關節炎患者服用中藥複方TGF之良導絡變化,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 | 2020 . 08 |
4 | 個別型,DMR-109-080,徐端隄(Tuan-Ti Hsu),附醫院內計畫,銅、錳離子-聚多巴胺表面修飾金屬列印仿生支架於血管 新生及骨再生功能評估,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 | 2019 . 08 |
5 | 個別型,DMR-108-076,徐端隄(Tuan-Ti Hsu),附醫院內計畫,仿生積層製造多孔金屬骨植入物的開發,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 | 2018 . 08 |