
Doctor Introduction



I-Han Hsiao
I-Han Hsiao


蕭奕翰 I-Han Hsiao



期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 楊健東(Chien-Tung Yang)、洪誠澤(Cheng-Ze Hung)、巫智穎(Chih-Ying Wu)、邱有朋(CHIU YOU-PENG)、蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、郭政宏(Jeng-Hung Guo)、邱正廸(Cheng-Di Chiu)*,Effectiveness of Percutaneous Key Lesion Endoscopic Lumbar Decompression for the Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis in Octogenarian Patients,PLoS One,2024 Nov,19(11):e0300836 2024 . 11
2 葉祐安(Yu-An Yeh)、廖先胤(Hsien-Yin Liao)、蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、徐新政(Hsu, Hsin-Cheng)、林以文(Lin, Yi-Wen)*,Electroacupuncture Reduced Fibromyalgia-Pain-like Behavior through Inactivating Transient Receptor Potential V1 and Interleukin-17 in Intermittent Cold Stress Mice Model,Brain Sciences,2024 Sep,14(9):1-19 2024 . 09
3 廖先胤(Hsien-Yin Liao)、(Chia-Ming Yen)、蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、徐新政(Hsu, Hsin-Cheng)*、林以文(Lin, Yi-Wen)*,Eicosapentaenoic Acid Modulates Transient Receptor Potential V1 Expression in Specific Brain Areas in a Mouse Fibromyalgia Pain Model,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2024 Mar,25(5):1-15 2024 . 03
4 蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、(Chia-Ming Yen)、徐新政(Hsu, Hsin-Cheng)、廖先胤(Hsien-Yin Liao)*、林以文(Lin, Yi-Wen)*,Chemogenetics Modulation of Electroacupuncture Analgesia in Mice Spared Nerve Injury-Induced Neuropathic Pain through TRPV1 Signaling Pathway,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2024 Feb,25(3):1-14 2024 . 02
5 (Meng-Yin Yang)、(Chin-Hwee Goh)、巫智穎(Chih-Ying Wu)、邱有朋(CHIU YOU-PENG)、(Hui-Ru Ji)、蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、邱正廸(Cheng-Di Chiu)*,An Analysis of the Clinical and Radiological Prognostic Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Lumbar Intradiscal Biacuplasty,International Journal of Medical Sciences,2023 Jul,20(8):1115-1122 2023 . 07
6 賴柏志(Lai, Po-Chih)、(Chia-Ming Yen)、蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、陳永祥(Chen, Yung-Hsiang)、林以文(Lin, Yi-Wen)*,Acupoint Catgut Embedding Diminishes Fibromyalgia Pain through TRPV1 in the Mouse Brain,Journal of Integrative Neuroscience,2023 Jul,22(4):97 2023 . 07
7 邱伯凡(Po-Fan Chiu)、林鈺翔(Yu-Hsiang Lin)、呂惠珊(Hui-Shan Lu)、蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、林宏霖(Hung-Lin Lin)*,Continuous intrathecal saline infusion for treating refractory spontaneous intracranial hypotension: A case report,BIOMEDICINE-TAIWAN,2023 Jun,(): 2023 . 06
8 蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、廖先胤(Hsien-Yin Liao)、(Chao-Min Cheng)、(Chia-Ming Yen)*、林以文(Lin, Yi-Wen)*,Paper-Based Detection Device for Microenvironment Examination: Measuring Neurotransmitters and Cytokines in the Mice Acupoint,Cells,2022 Sep,11(18):2869 2022 . 09
9 蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、廖先胤(Hsien-Yin Liao)*、林以文(Lin, Yi-Wen)*,Optogenetic modulation of electroacupuncture analgesia in a mouse inflammatory pain model,Scientific Reports,2022 May,12(1):9067 2022 . 05
10 蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、林以文(Lin, Yi-Wen)*,Electroacupuncture Reduces Fibromyalgia Pain by Attenuating the HMGB1, S100B, and TRPV1 Signalling Pathways in the Mouse Brain,Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine,2022 Mar,2022(2242074):1-13 2022 . 03
11 蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、許韶芸、林美辰(Lin, Mei-Chen)、施秉庚(Shih, Pin-Keng)*,Associations between Zygoma Fracture and Post-Traumatic Headache: A Study among Taiwanese Population,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2021 Nov,2021(10):5377 2021 . 11
12 梅玉瑩(Yu-Ying Mei)、(Ming-Hsueh Lee)、鄭亭君(Ting-Chun Cheng)、蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、吳東川(Dong Chuan Wu)*、周寧(Ning Zhou)*,NMDA receptors sustain but do not initiate neuronal depolarization in spreading depolarization,NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE,2020 Sep,(): 2020 . 09
13 (Ching-Huei Lin)、(Shih-Pin Hsu)、(Ting-Chun Cheng)、(Chin-Wei Huang)*、江耀璋(Yao-Chang Chiang)、蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、(Ming Hsueh Lee)、(Mei-Lin Shen)、吳東川(Wu, Dong-Chuan)、周寧(Zhou, Ning)*,Effects of anti-epileptic drugs on spreading depolarization-induced epileptiform activity in mouse hippocampal slices,Scientific Reports,2017 Sep,(): 2017 . 09
14 蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、陳肇烜(Chao-Hsuan Chen)、李漢忠(Han-Chung Lee)*、周德陽(Der-Yang Cho),Primary Leptomeningeal PNETs mimicking TB meningitis: A case report and literature review,Turkish Neurosurgery,2017 Jan,27(1):155-159 2017 . 01
15 蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、周德陽(Der-Yang Cho)、劉俊麟(Chun-Lin Liu)*,Multifocal osteolytic lesions of the skull: a primary cavernous hemangioma mimicking a neoplastic invasive lesion,BioMedicine,2015 Jun,5(2):39-41 2015 . 06
16 蕭奕翰(I-Han Hsiao)、李漢忠(Han-Chung Lee)*、嚴寶勝(Pao-Sheng Yen)、周德陽(Der-Yang Cho),Embolization followed by surgery for treatment of perimedullary arteriovenous fistula causing acute myelopathy.,Surgical Neurology International,2015 May,6(7):S275-S278 2015 . 05


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 Chemogenetic Modulation of Electroacupuncture Analgesia in Mice Spared Nerve Injury-Induced Neuropathic Pain through TRPV1 Signalling Pathway,台灣神經外科醫學會2023年第十六屆第一次會員大會暨國際學術研討會,台中市林酒店,2023.12.16~2023.12.17, 2023 . 12
2 ,台灣中青年神經外科醫學會 adult spinal deformity 專題演講,台中裕元花園酒店-北側包廂,2023.04.29~2023.04.29,Subaxial fracture dislocation and spinal cord injury治療經驗分享 2023 . 04
3 ,第九十三屆國醫節學術論壇-中西醫難治疾病發麻症狀研討會,中國醫藥大學互助大樓1A01,2023.03.19~2023.03.19, 2023 . 03
4 A single focal osteolytic skull lesion by metastatic thyroid carcinoma - A rare case report and literature review,111年台灣神經外科醫學會第十五屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,台北國際會議中心 TICC,2022.12.03~2022.12.04, 2022 . 12
5 Paper-Based Detection Device for Microenvironment Examination: Measuring Neurotransmitters and Cytokines in the Mice Acupoint,台灣中西整合醫學會第十一屆第二次會員大會,台中金典酒店,2022.12.18~2022.12.18, 2022 . 12
6 周邊神經刺激止痛應用於小鼠發炎模型的光遺傳學調控,台灣神經外科醫學會第15屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,TICC台北國際會議中心,2022.12.3 ~2022.12.4 , 2022 . 12
7 ,中國附醫四十二周年院慶暨國際神經脊椎高峰會,中國醫藥大學水湳校區 - 卓越大樓 B2 國際會議廳,2022.11.12~2022.11.13,Treatment Strategy and Research of Spinal Cord to Peripheral Nerve Injury 2022 . 11
8 PNEUMOPERITONIUM AFTER PERCUTRANEOUS VERTEBROPLASTY,中國醫藥大學附設醫院四十二周年院慶 暨 國際神經脊椎高峰會,台中,2022.11.12~2022.11.13, 2022 . 11
9 ,Update on Perioperative Pain Management,線上公開演講,2022.10.1 ~2022.10.1 ,From basic study to clinic treatment for perioperative pain management- My experience 2022 . 10
10 ,12th Mind-Body Interface International Symposium,中國醫藥大學水湳校區卓越大樓B2國際會議廳,2022.10.29~2022.10.30,Pain Relief from The Perspective of Eastern and Western Medicine 2022 . 10
11 電針通過抑制小鼠腦內小膠質細胞活性和TRPV1訊息路徑減輕備用神經損傷模型所致的神經病理性疼痛,台灣神經外科醫學會第十五屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會,高雄,2021.12.4 ~2021.12.5 , 2021 . 12
12 Electroacupuncture reduces spared nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain through attenuation of microglia activity and TRPV1 signaling pathway in the mice brain,台灣神經外科醫學會第15屆第1次會員大會,高雄萬豪酒店,2021.12.4 ~2021.12.5 , 2021 . 12
13 Electroacupuncture Reduces Fibromyalgia Pain Through Attenuation Of HMGB1, S100B, And TRPV1 Signaling Pathway In The Mice Brain,台灣中西整合醫學會2021年會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓102講堂,2021.12.12~2021.12.12, 2021 . 12
14 Electroacupuncture reduces fibromyalgia pain through attenuation of HMGB1, S100B, and TRPV1 signaling pathway in the mice brain,臺灣中西整合醫學會,台中,2021.12.12~2021.12.12, 2021 . 12
15 ,109年度外傷照護研討會,中國附醫癌症大樓一樓階梯會議室,2020.12.26~2020.12.26,1.中樞神經系統創傷的處理與照護 2020 . 12
16 Electroacupuncture and Eicosapentaenoic Acid Attenuated Cold Stress Induced Fibromyalgia Pain and Depression,ICPBMD 2019 : 21st International Conference on Psychiatry, Behavioral and Mental Disorders,Tokyo, Japan,2019.03.25~2019.03.26, 2019 . 03
17 Auricular Electroacupuncture Rescused Epilepsy Seizure by Attenuating TLR-2 Inflammatory Pathway in the Kainic Acid-induced Rats,ICAHA 2018 : 20th International Conference on Alternative Healthcare and Acupuncture,Osaka, Japan,2018.03.29~2018.03.30, 2018 . 03
18 Intraparenchymal choroid plexus papilloma: a case report and literature review.,台灣神經外科醫學會第十一屆第二次會員大會,義大,2014.12.13~2014.12.14, 2014 . 12
19 continous intrathecal saline infusion for refractory spontaneous intracranial hypotension: a case report.,台灣神經外科醫學會,台南,2012.11.02~2012.11.04, 2012 . 11
20 Demonstration of Chronic Staphylococcus Bacteremia in a Patient with a History of Multiple Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunt Implantation : A Biofilm related?,台灣神經外科醫學會第十ㄧ屆第ㄧ次會員大會暨學術研討會,台中,2012.11.30~2012.12.01, 2012 . 11
21 intrathecal normal saline continual infusion in the treatment of refractory spontaneous intracranial hypotension.,台灣神經外科醫學會,台南,2012.11.02~2012.11.04, 2012 . 11
22 A subdural cavernous hemangioma with spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage in an 8-months-old new born with factor VIII deficiency.,13th AACNS Asian Australasian Congress of Neurological Surgeons.,台北,2011.12.01~2011.12.04, 2011 . 12
23 Combined cytotoxic effects of temozolomide and autologous tumor infiltrating lymphocytes on glioblastoma cancer cells.,13th AACNS Asian Australasian Congress of Neurological Surgeons.,台北,2011.12.01~2011.12.04, 2011 . 12
24 Metastatic chondrosarcoma of the cervical and thoracic spine of a 14-year-old girl.,台灣神經外科醫學會2010年會員大會暨聯合學術研討會,台南奇美,2010.11.27~2010.11.28, 2010 . 11
25 顱骨內海綿狀血管瘤:在中國醫藥大學附設醫院之一例,台灣神經外科醫學會2009年會暨學術研討會,台北榮總,2009.12.05~2009.12.06, 2009 . 12




研究計畫/Research Grant
1 個別型,DMR-107-065,周寧(Zhou, Ning),附醫院內計畫,Genistein對大腦皮層與海馬迴神經元電壓依賴型鈉離子通道的調控之研究,2017.8.1~2018.7.31 2017 . 08
2 個別型,DMR-106-170,周寧(Ning Zhou),附醫院內計畫,電壓門控鈉離子通道在擴散性去極化誘發的繼發性腦損傷所扮演的角色探討,2016.8.1~2017.6.30 2016 . 08




1 台灣中西整合醫學會 2022年壁報發表口頭報告競賽-第一名,台灣中西整合醫學會,2022.12.18 2022 . 12
2 2021年台灣中西整合醫學會壁報發表口頭報告-第一名,台灣中西整合醫學會,2021.12.12 2021 . 12

