期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 陳恬恩(Tien-En Chen)*、王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、何弘棋(Hung-Chi Ho)、賴怡青(Yi-Ching Lai)、吳宏彬(Hung-Pin Wu)、林晏年(Yen-Nien Lin)、白培英(Pai, Pei-Ying),Impact of Premature Ventricular Complex (PVC) Burden on the Left Ventricle in the Structurally Normal Heart: Hemodynamic Alterations of Idiopathic PVC on Echocardiography,Acta Cardiologica Sinica,2023 Sep,39(5):687-694 | 2023 . 09 |
2 | 王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、盧炯睿(Chiung-Ray Lu)、謝禮全(Li-Chuan Hsieh)、郭錦輯(Kuo, Chin-Chi)、黃佩文(Pei-Wen Huang)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、徐中和(Chung-Ho Hsu)*,Comparison of pharmaco-mechanical thrombolysis and catheter-directed thrombolysis for treating thrombotic or embolic arterial occlusion of the lower limb,INTERNATIONAL ANGIOLOGY,2022 Aug,41(4):292-302 | 2022 . 08 |
3 | 張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、(I-Tang Chang)、(Min-Hui Hsia)、王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、陳朝榮(Chao-Jung Chen)、(Hsin-Bai Zou)、(Yu-Qing Chen)、朱文政(Wen-Chien Chiu)、林慧如(Zhi-Ru Lin)、Mine-Yine Li(劉敏瑛)*,Analysis of Oxidized 1-Palmitoyl-2-Arachidonoyl-Sn-Glycero-3 Phosphocholine Products in Uremic Patients by LC-ESI/MS,Separations,2022 Jul,9(8):192-206 | 2022 . 07 |
4 | 張慧雯(Hui-Wen Chang)、徐中和(Chung-Ho Hsu)、張祐誠(You-Cheng Zhang)、王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、陳虹志(Hung-chih Chen)*,Percutaneous Deep Vein Arterialization for a Chronic Limb-Threatrening Ischemia Patient in Taiwan,Acta Cardiologica Sinica,2021 Jul,37(4):434-437 | 2021 . 07 |
5 | 王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、盧炯睿(Chiung-Ray Lu)、謝禮全(Li-Chuan Hsieh)、林育楷(Yu-Kai Lin)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)、徐中和(Chung-Ho Hsu)*,Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Intermediate-to-High-Risk Pulmonary Embolism Undergoing Ultrasound-Assisted Catheter-Based Fibrinolysis Therapy in a Mid-Term Follow-Up Period - A Retrospective Observational Study,Acta Cardiologica Sinica,2020 Sep,36(5):493-502 | 2020 . 09 |
6 | 王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、李安生(An-Sheng Lee)、劉淑惠(LIU SHU-HUI)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)、沈明毅(Ming-Yi Shen)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)*,Spironolactone ameliorates endothelial dysfunction through inhibition of the AGE/ RAGE axis in a chronic renal failure rat model,BMC Nephrology,2019 Sep,20(1):351 | 2019 . 09 |
7 | 王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、沈明毅(Ming-Yi Shen)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)、汪貴珍(Guei-Jane Wang)、劉淑惠(LIU SHU-HUI)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)*,Skin autofluorescence is associated with rapid renal function decline in subjects at increased risk of coronary artery disease,PLoS One,2019 May,14(5):e0217203 | 2019 . 05 |
8 | 林育楷(Yu-Kai Lin)*、徐中和(Chung-Ho Hsu)、張慧雯(Hui-Wen Chang)、謝禮全(Li-Chuan Hsieh)、王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、盧炯睿(Chiung-Ray Lu),Successful Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty to Right Superficial Femoral Artery Stenosis via True Lumen to True Lumen with Outback Re-Entry Device,Acta Cardiologica Sinica,2019 Mar,2019(35):188-191 | 2019 . 03 |
9 | 張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、沈明毅(Ming-Yi Shen)、李安生(An-Sean Lee)、王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、陳威宇(Chen, Wei-Yu)、張家銘(Chia-Ming Chang)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)、(Nicole Stancel)、陳珠璜(Chu-Huang Chen)*,Electronegative low-density lipoprotein increases the risk of ischemic lower-extremity peripheral artery disease in uremia patients on maintenance hemodialysis,Scientific Reports,2017 Jul,7(1):4654 | 2017 . 07 |
10 | 王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、(Yao-Chang Wang)、汪貴珍(Guei-Jane Wang)、沈明毅(Ming-Yi Shen)、(Yen-Lin Chang)、(Show-Yih Liou)、陳虹志(Hung-Chih Chen)、李安生(An-Sheng Lee)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)、陳威宇(Chen, Wei-Yu)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)*,Skin autofluorescence is associated with inappropriate left ventricular mass and diastolic dysfunction in subjects at risk for cardiovascular disease,Cardiovascular Diabetology,2017 Jan,16(1): | 2017 . 01 |
11 | 張志宗(Chang, Chiz-Tzung)、汪貴珍(Wang, Guei-Jane)、郭錦輯(Kuo, Chin-Chi)、謝如怡(Hsieh, Ju-Yi)、李安生(An-Sheng Lee)、張家銘(Chia-Ming Chang)、王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、沈明毅(Shen, Ming-Yi)、黃秋錦(Huang, Chiu-Ching)、(Tatsuya Sawamura)、(Chao-Yuh Yang)、(Nicole Stancel)、陳珠磺(Chu-Huang Chen)*,Electronegative Low-density Lipoprotein increases coronary artery disease risk in uremia patients on maintenance hemodialysis,MEDICINE,2016 Nov,95(2):e2265 | 2016 . 11 |
12 | 王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、王耀章(Wang, Yao-Chang)、汪貴珍(Wang, Guei-Jane)、沈明毅(Shen, Ming-Yi)、張炎林(Chang, Yen-Lin)、劉紹毅(Liou, Show-Yih)、陳虹志(Hung-Chih Chen)、張志宗(Chang, Chiz-Tzung)*,Skin autofluorescence is associated with endothelial dysfuntion in uremic subjects on hemodialysis,PLoS One,2016 Jan,11(1):e0147771 | 2016 . 01 |
13 | 王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、張志宗(Chang, Chiz-Tzung)、林橙莉、林益卿(Lin, I-Ching)*、高嘉鴻(Kao, Chia-Hung)*,Hepatitis C virus infection associated with an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis: A population-based cohort study,MEDICINE,2015 Sep,94(38):e1585 | 2015 . 09 |
14 | 王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、林橙莉、汪貴珍(Wang, Guei-Jane)、張志宗(Chang, Chiz-Tzung)、宋鴻樟(Sung, Fung-Chang)、高嘉鴻(Kao, Chia-Hung)*,Atrial fibrillation associated with increased risk of venous thromboembolism. A population-based cohort study,THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS,2015 Jan,113(1):185-192 | 2015 . 01 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | HMG-CoA 還原酶抑制劑( statins )對於周邊動脈疾病的洗腎患者在肢體及心血管預後的保護效應,台灣內科醫學會111年「會員大會暨學術演講會」,台大醫院國際會議中心,2022.12.03~2022.12.04, | 2022 . 12 |
2 | ,PAOD - A to V forum in Taipei,台北寒舍艾美酒店 2F 北河廳,2020.12.19~2020.12.19,A case of lone - atrial fib presented with both renal and lower limb thrombotic occlusion | 2020 . 12 |
3 | ,台灣介入性心臟血管醫學會 Peripheral live 2020,台大醫學院102講堂,2020.11.7 ~2020.11.8 ,Procedure update: Mechanical thrombectomy for APE | 2020 . 11 |
4 | ,台灣介入性心臟血管醫學會 PAOD update,台大醫學院,2020.06.6 ~2020.06.6 ,Catheter based treatment for acute limb ischemia review and update | 2020 . 06 |
5 | ,中華民國醫用超音波學會 2020 年第一次 學術研討會,南山人壽教育訓練中心,2020.06.14~2020.06.14,周邊血管超音波 | 2020 . 06 |
6 | ,台北榮民總醫院放射線科 專題演講,台北榮民總醫院放設線科 大會議室,2020.03.4 ~2020.03.4 ,Endovascular treatment for acute pulmonary embolism | 2020 . 03 |
7 | ,PAOD forum in Taichung,台中 長榮桂冠 B2 桂冠廳,2020.03.28~2020.03.28,Interventional therapy for acute portal vein/mesenteric vein thrombosis | 2020 . 03 |
8 | First Case Reort of Utilization of Aspirex Thrombectomy Device to Treat Massive Pulmonary Embolism in Taiwan,2019急重症聯合學術年會-3,張榮發基金會會議中心,2019.10.12~2019.10.13, | 2019 . 10 |
9 | SMV Thrombosis Managed by Transhepatic EKOS Directed Thrombolysis,2019急重症聯合學術年會-2,張榮發基金會會議中心,2019.10.12~2019.10.13, | 2019 . 10 |
10 | First Case Report of Utilization of Rotarex Thrombectomy Device to Treat Massive Pulmonary Embolisn with Head Injury in Taiwan,2019急重症聯合學術年會,張榮發基金會會議中心,2019.10.12~2019.10.13, | 2019 . 10 |
11 | Acute Cardiac Tamonade After Stenting of Left Innominate Vein Chronic Total Occlusion,2019急重症聯合學術年會-6,張榮發基金會會議中心,2019.10.12~2019.10.13, | 2019 . 10 |
12 | A Rare Complication of Huge Left Hemothorax in a Patient with Bilateral Submassive Pulmonary Embolism,Rescued by Coil Embolization,2019急重症聯合學術年會-5,張榮發基金會會議中心,2019.10.12~2019.10.13, | 2019 . 10 |
13 | Acute Massive Pulmonary Embolism Caused by Catheter Directed Thrombolysis for Massive right basilic vein,subclavian vein,innominate vein deep vein thrombosis,rescued by ECMO,2019急重症聯合學術年會-1,張榮發基金會會議中心,2019.10.12~2019.10.13, | 2019 . 10 |
14 | A Rare Complication of Cardiac Tamponade in a Patient with Bilateral Submassive Pulmonary Embolism on EKOS Directed Thrombolysis,2019急重症聯合學術年會-4,張榮發基金會會議中心,2019.10.12~2019.10.13, | 2019 . 10 |
15 | Application of skin autofluorescence for evaluation of inappropriate left ventricular mass and its predictive value to major cardiovascular outcomes in subjects at risk for cardiovascular disease,BIT's 9th Annual International conference of cardiology-2017,Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium,2017.11.15~2017.11.17, | 2017 . 11 |
研究計畫/Research Grant (研究類型,研究計畫代號,主持人,補助或委託單位名稱,計畫名稱,計畫期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 個別型,DMR-110-013,沈明毅(Ming-Yi Shen),附醫院內計畫,開發新的液相層析-二次質譜方法以分析人類脂蛋白上所含的氧化磷脂質產物,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 | 2020 . 08 |
2 | 個別型,DMR-107-012,,附醫院內計畫,探討Klotho蛋白質對糖化終端產物造成心肌H9C2細胞病理性肥厚的影響,2017.8.1~2018.7.31 | 2017 . 08 |
3 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH106-REC3-095,張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、王宇澄(Wang, Yu-Chen)、柯伯彥(Po-Yen Ko)、盧炯睿(Chiung-Ray Lu)、蕭連城(Hsiao, Lien-Cheng)、吳宏彬(Hung-Pin Wu)、林晏年(Yen-Nien Lin)、王駿丞(Chun-Cheng Wang)、陳科維(Chen Ke Wei),附醫廠商計畫,XAMINA /在從未接受治療的非瓣膜性心房顫動的亞洲病患中,以拜瑞妥Xarelto®預防中風及非中樞神經系統全身性栓塞,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
4 | 個別型,DMR-106-160,,附醫院內計畫,腎衰竭模式中,糖化終端產物在病理性心肌肥厚所扮演的角色與致病機轉,2016.8.1~2017.6.30 | 2016 . 08 |
獲獎/Award (獲獎名稱,給獎單位,獲獎日期) |
日期 | |
1 | 2020急重症聯合學術年會-最佳臨床論文獎-口頭論文特優獎,台灣急救加護醫學會,2020.11.9 | 2020 . 11 |