Health Education ResourcesStress urinary incontinence 壓力性尿失禁
2023/12/26Urinary incontinence occurs as women aged or after giving birth to a baby; if inner abdominal pressure increases like coughing, sneezing, and jumping, these women often suffer from urinary leaks.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Decoction for Kidney Disease 腎病中藥煎煮法
2023/12/26Soak traditional Chinese medicine in cold water for 30 minutes. Amount of water: Covering the traditional Chinese medicine.
How to Prevent Metabolic Syndrome through Chinese Medicine Conditioning 如何運用中醫調理防治代謝症候群?
2023/12/26Metabolic syndrome refers to persons with at least three out of the five indicators, including central obesity (thick waistline), blood pressure, blood sugar, high TG, and lack of good cholesterol.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Care after Treatment of Liver Cancer肝癌治療後的中醫保健
2023/12/26Treatment of liver cancer includes radiofrequency ablation, tumor excision surgery, Transarterial Chemoembolization(TACE), targeted therapy, and liver transplant.
Mother and Newborn Skin-to-Skin Contact in the Delivery Room 產房即刻母嬰肌膚接觸
2023/12/26The first to second hours after birth are the most crucial moments for newborns and the best time to help babies interact with their mothers and other family members.
Kegel Exercise 凱格爾運動
2023/12/26It is designed to increase urethral resistance by exercising the pubis-coccyx muscle group, with the aim to pass or hold urine easily and improve:
Notes After Urodynamic Studies in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 婦產科尿動力學檢查後注意事項
2023/12/26Urodynamic study is a safe method for patients, but a few patients may have the following side effects and complications due to abrasions of urethra and bladder mucous membranes during the examination.
Notes After the Colposcopic Biopsy 陰道鏡切片檢查後注意事項
2023/12/26If there is gauze inserted into your vagina, please take it out yourself according to the instructions of the medical staff. There will be a small amount of bleeding after removal, but if the amount is excessive (more than the menstrual volume)
How to Insert Vaginal Suppositories 陰道塞劑自我放置法
2023/12/26Use the suppository before going to bed as directed by your doctor.
Notes for Outpatient Gynecological Surgery 婦產科門診手術注意事項
2023/12/26When awake after general anesthesia, you may drink a little warm boiled water first and eat a mild diet after vomiting has stopped.
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