Health Education ResourcesHow to Use Crutches Properly - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 如何使用枴杖-復健科
2023/11/8When standing, the rubber crutch tip of axillary crutch is placed 15-20cm in front of the toes.
How to use the wheechair to transfer 如何輪椅轉位
2023/11/8The patient is seated at the bedside and the wheelchair is close to the healthy side and at a 45° angle from the edge of the bed. Please note that the wheelchair brake should be secured and the footrest should be lifted to avoid danger. (as shown in the figure).
Neck Pain 脖子酸痛
2023/11/8Neck pain and discomfort is one of the most common reasons patients seek medical attention.
Improve Muscular Strength for Leaving the Bed and Going to the Toilet 強化肌力 離床如廁變容易
2023/11/8As the elders gets older, their disability becomes more serious. However, too much care may aggravate the incapacitation.
Possible Sequelae after Treatment of Neck Cancer 頸部癌症治療後可能遇到的後遺症
2023/11/8Head and neck cancers are usually treated by surgery. After surgery, doctors will reassess whether chemotherapy or radiotherapy is needed.
Cardiac Rehabilitation 運動強心有撇步-心臟復健
2023/11/8The aim of cardiac rehabilitation is to increase physical fitness and improve the prognosis of cardiovascular disease by regular exercise combined with blood pressure control, blood glucose control, smoking cessation and weight control.
Exercises for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis 青少年原發性脊柱側彎運動
2023/11/8Idiopathic scoliosis occurs most frequently in adolescents aged 10-17 years, and causes of scoliosis are unknown in 80% of cases.
Rehabilitation Exercise after Removing Drainage Tubes in Mastectomy 乳癌手術拆除引流管後復健運動
2023/11/8Problems that may occur after surgery include lymphedema on the upper limb of the affected side, tightness in the chest wall or underarm on the surgical side, limited shoulder mobility or pain, upper limb weakness on the affected side, and cardiorespiratory dysfunction.
Self-care and Exercise after Radical Mastectomy 乳房根除術出院自我照護與運動
2023/11/8The following are the precautions for self-care and exercise at home after radical mastectomy.
Exercises for Low Back Pain 腰痛病人運動治療
2023/11/8When standing up from the lying position, turn on your side, draw up both knees and swing your legs on the side of the bed.
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