大數據中心特邀世界級尿酸研究權威 - Dr. Richard Johnson 榮譽教授給予特別演講,主題聚焦於「尿酸與複雜疾病研究最新成果」。Dr. Richard Johnson 深入探討尿酸與代謝、心腎及認知疾病之間的關聯,並與附醫同仁熱烈交流,為未來合作奠定基礎。
郭錦輯副院長受邀於衛生福利部癌症研究計畫2024年成果發表暨國際研討會−癌症照護的新穎科技「2024 Annual Meeting of MOHW Cancer Research Projects and International Symposium on New Frontier Technology in Cancer Care」,演講「Advancing Integrative AI Cancer Care Through Systemic Digital Twins」。
MICCAI (The Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society)是人工智慧醫學影像分析領域中,最具影響力的國際學術會議之一,郭錦輯副院長於2024年底,榮幸受邀擔任MICCAI 2026 籌備委員。
學術論文「Discovery and prioritization of genetic determinants of kidney function in 297,355 individuals from Taiwan and Japan」探究東亞族群之腎病基因變異,獲知名期刊Nature Communications接受並發行
陳鴻霖助理研究員於美國人類遺傳學年會 (American Society of Human Genetics; ASHG),進行海報發表「以孟德爾隨機分配探討東亞族群高尿酸血症與慢性腎病之因果關係」研究
海雲平台iHi Platform之美國商標取得
郭錦輯副院長參與第二屆京都大學-中國醫藥大學雙邊研討會The 2nd Kyoto University–China Medical University Joint Symposium之演講,分享「Transforming the Future of Medicine: Big Data, Big Intelligence, and the Digital Revolution」
郭錦輯副院長受邀於中國附醫44週年院慶國際研討會「腦病創新療法論壇」演講「From Medical Big Data to Systematic Digital Twins: Advancing Integrative Clinical AI Development」
郭錦輯副院長於亞太腎臟病學大會暨韓國腎臟病學會(APCN & KSN 2024),進行海報發表「Converting Urine Protein-to-Creatinine Ratio to Urine Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio: Evaluating the Diagnostic Accuracy of Simple versus Complex Formulas in Albuminuria Detection」研究
郭副院長受邀至韓國首爾參與APCN & KSN 2024,並演講「Integrating Digital Medicine in Green Nephrology–Building a Sustainable Big Data and AI Ecosystem for Intelligent Green Kidney Care」主題
郭錦輯副院長赴美參訪美國麻省理工學院 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)以及美國哈佛大學資訊研究所,請益國際醫療資訊之發展方向與跨域轉譯。亦參加第56屆美國腎臟醫學年會 (Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition of American Society of Nephrology,發表關於慢性腎病基因研究與急性腎損傷之三篇研究
2023.10 大數據中心團隊於世界頂級醫學期刊New England Journal of Medicine發表Correspondence文章「Correspondence: Artificial Intelligence in U.S. Health Care Delivery」(N Engl J Med 2023; 389:1442-1443; DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2310288)
大數據中心開發之急性腎損傷防護網,獲頒「2023國際醫院聯盟病人安全與品質榮譽獎」 (2023 IHF Honorary Award in Quality and Patient Safety),並與各國醫療領袖攜手共襄第46屆國際醫院聯盟年會,提升本院國際聲譽並建立連結
2023.09 大數據中心團隊於國際知名環境醫學年會35th Annual ISEE Conference舉辦工作坊「Environmental Epidemiology, Genomics, Microbiomics, and AI: Advancements and Opportunities for Disease Prevention using Medical Big Data」,與國際學者交流多體學於環境醫學上的挑戰與機會
郭錦輯副院長率同仁至阿布達比,與國際合作夥伴全球第一間AI大學Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI)、梅約聯盟醫院Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City (SSMC)、及SKC商討專案執行事宜
第一項美國專利取得「Renal Function Assessment Method, Renal Function Assessment System」(證號11,571,156)
本團隊與皮膚科合作之學術論文「Risk of All-Cause Mortality, Cardiovascular Disease Mortality, and Cancer Mortality in Patients With Bullous Pemphigoid」獲知名期刊JAMA Dermatology接受並發行
學術論文「Association Between Preoperative Blood Glucose Level and Hospital Length of Stay for Patients Undergoing Appendectomy or Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy」獲知名期刊Diabetes Care接受並發行
The Big Data Center of CMUH holds the high-quality medical data, including structured and unstructured data, and is capable to expend the value of these data by integratingit to the universal Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Database, the government-based registry data,and the environmental data.With these high dimensional and high-quality data, we can extract and generate real-world evidence for clinical practice and health policy-making.
Take the renal medicine at CMUH as examples. Wenow can use the serial repeated measurement ofeGFR to track the disease course and predict patients’ risk of developing adverse outcomes for each patient who received care at our hospital.
One example is the CKD Vigilant Information System. We found the first year eGFR variability is very useful in predicting the disease progression, CVD, and mortality for patients receiving CKD care in our hospital. Wedevelop a real-time automated risk alarming system to help nephrologist’s everyday practice.
Another example is the Acute Kidney Injury Detection System (AKIDS). We link our on-sitedata with the on-cloud national datatoobtain the complete health information. Then we develop a detection algorithm to screen forAKI and make referral recommendation for every outpatient in our hospital.Our system can also help identify the window for clinicians to avoid nephrotoxic agents in patients with AKI.
郭副主任受邀至交通大學與清華大學統計所演講「Big Data and Renal Medicine: Unlock the Hidden Insights from Daily Practice」
郭副主任受邀至林口長庚醫院演講「Data Science and Clinical Medicine」
郭副主任受邀至交通大學與清華大學統計所演講「Meeting the Unmet Need for Healthcare: What We Need and What We Offer」
參與美國Stanford大學「2018 Big Data in Precision Health Conference」之展出
郭副主任受邀至童綜合醫院演講「Big Data and Clinical Medicine」
郭副主任受邀至國家理論科學研究中心數據科學論壇演講「Analyzing proportions in Medical Sciences」
參與2017「台灣醫療科技展(Taiwan Healthcare Expo)」之展出
與國立陽明大學簽約授權「臨床資訊管理系統(The Clinical Informatics and Management System)」軟體