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Acute Gastroenteritis 小兒腸胃炎


Acute Gastroenteritis 小兒腸胃炎


Dear Family

The most evident symptoms of acute gastroenteritis are vomiting and diarrhea. It may happen to children of any age. There are side effects if infants and children have the disorder; admit your baby or child to the hospital immediately for treatment in order to keep the condition under control.


  1. Virus related, especially enterovirus in summer and rotavirus in winter.
  2. Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae and parasite infection.
  3. Others: allergy to foods, GI tract anatomy anomaly, or endocrine dysfunction and imbalance.


If your child suffers from apparent symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and abdominal fullness and fever, or with combination of any of the following symptoms, take him or her to the hospital immediately.

  • Abdominal fullness or severe abdominal pain.
  • Explosive defecation, or stool with blood and mucus.
  • Fever, especially high fever.
  • Dry lips, poor appetite, lethargy, irritable, decreased urine output and general fatigue (all indicating your child is under dehydration condition).

The treatment in hospital

  • Maintain stable vital signs
  • Supply water and electrolyte solution , rectify imbalance water and electrolyte, give adequate medication treatment
  • Diagnosis
  • Take on isolation or quarantine if necessary

Care you should be aware of after admitting your child to the hospital

  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Properly take care of patient’s fecal matter.

Homecare after discharged from the hospital

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before food intake, after toilet, and changing diaper
  • Choose adequate milk formula or food with doctor’s order
  • Return to the hospital timely for follow-up checks. 

  • 黃立琪(2022).兒童消化系統疾病及其護理.陳月枝總校閱,實用兒科護理 (九版,564-568頁).華杏。
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Rehydration Therapy.
製作單位:兒童醫院 編碼:HE-50018-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 12128、12132、12135