There is no cure for diabetes so far but it can be well controlled through food, regular life style of not staying up all night or too late, medication like oral hypoglycemic agent and insulin, and positive emotions.
The purpose of diabetes food control
Diabetes diet is balanced, healthy and your family can enjoy the diet with you.
Maintain Ideal body weight
- Calculation for ideal body weights: Ideal body weight (kg) = Hight2 (m) x 22
- Please maintain standard weight which is ± 10% of your ideal body weight.
- Discuss the acceptable weight with your doctors or dieticians.
Avoid smoking and drinking
Avoid salty food; appropriate the amount of substitute sugar
Consume fixed amount of food within fixed hours
- Abide by the diet plan designed by your dietician; avoid sudden high or low blood sugar.
Increase high fiber intake and consume food within 6 food categories
Avoid excessive grease and cholesterol
Avoid sugary food
- Sugar used for seasoning: brown-sugar, honey, sugarcane, condensed milk, and fructose.
- Dessert: cake, ice cream, fructose, and fizz water.