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Genioplasty 下巴整形手術


Genioplasty 下巴整形手術



According to statistics, it is generally accepted that a beautiful woman's lower chin often accounts for one sixth of the total face length. In standard facial proportions, the distance from the lower lip to the chin is about twice the distance from the upper lip to the nasal columella. If eyed from the side, the tip of the nose, the lower lip, and the most prominent part of the chin form a line, which is the standard perfect ratio. However, the fact that a standard chin is only available to a few people, due to different features, does not mean that a beautiful chin is out of reach for most people.

Operative methods

  • Mandibular osteotomy

General anesthesia is required, and the surgeon uses a miniature bone saw to separate the jaw and jaw bone, move the jaw bone to an appropriate position, and then fix it with a bone screw and bone plate.

  • Silicone implantation

If your jaw is only slightly drawn back, insertion of a silicone chin implant can achieve good results, and the operation time is short. However, because the chin cannot be fixed from the inside with a silicone implant, it must be fixed with tape from the outside for one week to prevent its displacement or deviation.

  • Artificial bone grafting

For those with obvious chin retraction or small chin or with Treacher Collins syndrome, it can avoid an unnatural look due to a thicker implant. Under local anesthesia, the artificial bone is placed in a proper position through the internal incision of the mouth before the wound is sutured. Due to its firm fixation, the function of speech or chewing can be resumed on the second day after the operation, which is relatively convenient.

Postoperative health education

  • Apply an ice compress to the chin within 3 days after operation, 10-15 minutes a time, at least 5-6 times a day.
  • Eat warm and cool food, soft or liquid food within a week. Do not eat food that is either too hot or too hard. After eating, rinse your mouth with mouthwash to keep your mouth clean.
  • Do not rub your chin or rest your chin on your hand or the table for at least 3 months.
  • Make a return visit as instructed by your doctor.

Notes after surgery

  • Elastic gauze or tape will be used to reduce swelling and hematoma after operation. The swelling will gradually subside after 4-5 days.
  • Ice compress: Apply an ice compress on the surgical site within 7 days after operation to reduce swelling.
  • Regular living habits: Postoperative living habits must be normal, with adequate rest.
  • Do not lift heavy objects or exercise vigorously. Smoking is detrimental to wound healing. Smoking should be forbidden for 2 to 4 weeks before and after operation.
  • American society of plastic surgeons. What is chin surgery?
製作單位:美容中心 編碼:HE-25022-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 12020