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Patient Education, Instructions for Infants’ and Children's Sedative Care 嬰幼兒及孩童鎮靜照護衛教須知


Patient Education, Instructions for Infants’ and Children's Sedative Care 嬰幼兒及孩童鎮靜照護衛教須知

  1. The information parents should know before the sedative and pain relief care:
  • What kind of medical treatment or examination will your child receive this time?
  • Sedation is required for this medical treatment or examination, as well as fasting beforehand:

Solid food for 8 hours, formula milk for 6 hours, breast milk for 4 hours, small amounts of boiled water for 2 hours for children older than 1 year old (less than 3mL/kg if necessary).

  • If your infants or children have any past or present medical history, including upper respiratory tract infections (colds), asthma, and drug allergies, please inform the medical staff.
  • If your infants or children have loose teeth, please inform the medical staff.
  1. During the medical treatment or examination, your child will be measured for blood pressure, ECG, oxygen concentration and other vital signs, and given oxygen.
  2. When sedation is necessary for medical treatment or examination, a special caregiver will provide sedative and pain relief care for your child.
  3. The sedative effect may still exist within 24 hours after infants or children who receive sedative and pain relief care, so you need to pay special attention to the child's breathing and consciousness. If you observe the child unawakened or shallow breathing, the inpatient should inform the medical staff immediately, while the patient at home should immediately return to the hospital for examination and treatment.
  • If asleep, the infant or child should be awakened intermittently to ensure that he/she has an appropriate response.
  • Do not feed solid food for the time being. Patients should drink boiled water first, and they may eat gradually after ensuring there were no choking, nausea or vomiting.
  • Follow the doctor's instructions and administer the medicine regularly.
  • On the way home, the child must sit in the safety seat and be cared for by others, who must keep an eye on whether he/she breathes smoothly.
  1. Infants and children, whether hospitalized or receiving outpatient services, must be accompanied by adults following sedative and pain relief care.

Conclusion: After examination or treatment, the pain should be handled according to the doctor's instructions. For any discomfort, please inform the medical staff.

  • Gley J. Pediatric anesthesia and perioperative care. Anesthesiol Case Rep. 2021;4(6):1
  • Consensus statement on clear fluids fasting for elective pediatric general anesthesia. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018 Apr; 8:411–414. doi: 10.1111/pan.13370​
製作單位:麻醉部 編碼:HE-20178-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 13562