- Dizziness, nausea, and fatigue might occur after the procedure due to the use of anesthetic. Start taking sips of water in an hour after the procedure and eat step by step if vomit does not occur. Please see your doctor if the symptoms do not improve.
- DO NOT DRIVE WITHIN 24 HOURS after the procedure (including mobiles, scooters, or machinery).
- Drink more water after the procedure to increase urination to discharge stones, but do not exceed 3000 c.c. a day.
- Exercise more after the procedure should be done. Walk more during the day, such as jogging, going up and down the stairs, and jumping.
- Some patients might feel dysuria and urgent urination when the stones pass through urethra. Medication and drinking water can relieve these symptoms.
- Use filters to filter urine to observe the discharged stones.
- Usually the stones will be discharged completely within weeks. But it might take longer time for some people; thus, follow up visits to your doctor is required no matter if the pain is relieved to ensure the stones are discharged completely.
- Go to emergency department when one of the following symptoms occurs after being released from the hospital: severe flank pain, low abdominal pain, fever of more than 38 ℃, sever hematuria, decreased urine amount, dizziness, cold sweating, pale on the face, low blood pressure.
- Patients with lower kidney stones should do postural drainage: do genucubital position for one minute every morning before the first urination, then lay on the left and right side for one minute respectively and pat on the back of the side that has stones (do not pat one side that has the procedure done if hematruia occurs) before urination.

Care after Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy 體外震波碎石術後注意事項
- Magalhães, L., & Nogué, R. (2019). Clinical use of renal point-of-care ultrasound after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. The ultrasound journal, 11(1), 25. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13089-019-0141-8
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