- Smoke half less per cigarette.
- Delay smoking your first cigarette per day by at least 1 hour.
- Decide in advance the number of cigarettes a day, and donate the money equivalent to the price of a pack of cigarettes for each additional cigarette to charity.
- Decide to smoke only at odd or even times, such as at 1 o'clock, 3 o'clock and 5 o'clock.
- During the first attack of nicotine addiction per day, try to be patient and eat fruit, drink water or juice, do exercises, and so on.
- Buy one pack at a time, instead of a carton of cigarettes.
- Don't put the whole pack of cigarettes on you or beside you. You can put one cigarette in one place that is not easy to get.
- Do not smoke in a particularly comfortable environment.
- If smoking with your friends, you should smoke your own instead of other people's cigarettes.
- Remind yourself not to take the cigarette with the hand you normally use to hold it.
- The daily number of cigarettes you smoke must gradually be fewer than that of the previous day.
- Try to change your eating habits, eat more food that people do not associate with cigarettes, drink beverages that do not entice people to smoke after meals, and don't eat too full.
- Ashtrays filled with cigarette butts can remind people that they have smoked a lot. The appearance and taste of the butt of cigarettes make people feel uncomfortable, so don't empty ashtrays often.
- Stay relaxed and happy.
- Get plenty of rest and avoid getting overtired.
- Prepare a smoking record sheet to record the time, quantity and daily inspection of each smoking, select the avoidable ones and decide not to smoke next time.
- Establish reward and punishment measures and implement them accordingly. Don't use smoking as a reward when you're happy.
- Seek support, encouragement, and supervision.

You Can Smoke One Fewer Cigarette 可以少抽一根菸
- 衛生福利部國民健康署.戒菸教戰手冊。https://www.hpa.gov.tw/Pages/EBook.aspx?nodeid=1172
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