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Weight Loss Exercise Program: Before Surgery and 1st Week After Surgery 代謝手術運動衛教-術前~術後1週


Weight Loss Exercise Program: Before Surgery and 1st Week After Surgery 代謝手術運動衛教-術前~術後1週


Before Surgery

  • Objective: Start an exercise habit.
  • Change of lifestyle.
  • Low to moderate intensity exercise for 20-60 minutes a day.
  • Whole body stretching daily to increase the range of motion.
  • Start aerobic exercises e.g. Knee raises, brisk walking, cycling, water aerobic exercises, swimming, aerobic dance routines, etc.


  • Change from a sedentary to a more active lifestyle.
  • There will be some muscle soreness for 1-2 days.
  • Take note where there is any pain or discomfort that is different from muscle soreness.
  • Look for an exercise activity that you can start and may enjoy.
  • For those with regular exercise habits, do not overexert to avoid injury.

1st Week After Surgery

  • Goal: Wound healing.
  • Walking activity can be done for about 5 to 10 minutes at a time, at least once an hour, and multiple times a day.
  • Full-body static stretching, holding each movement for about 30-60 seconds.


  • It is prohibited to carry heavy objects (within 3-5 kg), avoid rapid contraction or excessive force, and avoid any sudden movements.
  • Temporarily discontinue any gym activities or use of any exercise machine.
  • Stop and rest once there is any pain or discomfort.
  • Ambulate with support or assistance.
  • Avoid any sudden movements.
  • American College of Sports Medicine (COR) (2017) ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription.
製作單位:國際代謝形體醫學中心 編碼:HE-20164-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 17665