
Doctor Introduction



Chun-Chi Chiang
Chun-Chi Chiang


江鈞綺 Chun-Chi Chiang

江鈞綺副教授為角膜科及眼整型專家。專長包括:角膜移植、近視雷射、角膜病變、圓錐角膜、角膜失養症、角膜混濁、角膜炎、角膜潰瘍。眼整型部分以外眼疾病為主,包括眼瞼下垂、睫毛倒插、鼻淚管阻塞等。江醫師於 2001 年至本院服務至今,臨床治療經驗相當豐富,且不間斷地從事基礎醫學研究,發表多篇醫學相關論文於國際期刊


期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 許運瑄(ALAN YUN-HSUAN HSU)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、邵儀菁(Shao,Yi-Ching)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、(Yu-Hsun Wang)、魏正宗(Wei,Cheng-Chung(James)),『Editorial』Monkeypox infection and risk for uveitis,EYE,2025 Jan,2025(): 2025 . 01
2 吳秉錡(WU BING-QI)、郭厚廷(KUO HOU-TING)、許運瑄(ALAN YUN-HSUAN HSU)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)*、鄭奕帝(Yih-Dih Cheng)、謝右文(Yow-Wen Hsieh)、黃鈺涵(Yu-Han Huang)、王幸婷(SING TING, WANG)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、邵儀菁(Shao,Yi-Ching)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、曾欣(TSENG HSIN)、(Huan?Sheng Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Risk of Uveitis in Dengue Fever Patients: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan,JOURNAL OF MEDICAL VIROLOGY,2024 Dec,96(12):e70141 2024 . 12
3 許運瑄(ALAN YUN-HSUAN HSU)、(YU-HSUN WANG)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、郭厚廷(KUO HOU-TING)、吳秉錡(WU BING-QI)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、邵儀菁(Shao,Yi-Ching)、(HUAN-SHENG CHEN)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、(JAMES CHENG-CHUNG WEI),Risk of uveitis among E-Cigarette Users: a multi-institutional TriNetX study,OPHTHALMOLOGY,2024 Nov,S0161-6420(24):00703-6 2024 . 11
4 許運瑄(ALAN YUN-HSUAN HSU)、(Yu-Hsun Wang)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、(James Cheng-Chung Wei),Reevaluating the link between Down Syndrome and uveitis,EYE,2024 Jun,10(1038): 2024 . 06
5 李景行(Jing-Xing Li)、許漱白(HSU SHU-BAI)、施盈秀、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、吳映萱(Ying-Hsuen Wu)、李宥伶(LI, YOU-LING)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*,The risk of ischemic stroke significantly increases in individuals with blepharitis: A population-based study involving 424,161 patients,PLoS One,2023 Apr,18(4): 2023 . 04
6 黃俐穎(Li-Ying Huang)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、李宥伶(LI, YOU-LING)、(Hung-Yin Lai)、(Yi-Ching Hsieh)、吳映萱(Ying-Hsuen Wu)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Corneal Complications after COVID-19 Vaccination:A Systemic Review,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2022 Nov,(): 2022 . 11
7 李景行(Jing-Xing Li)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、陳珊霓(CHEN SAN-NI)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,The Prevalence of Ocular Extra-Intestinal Manifestations in Adults Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2022 Nov,19():15683-15683 2022 . 11
8 李景行(Jing-Xing Li)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、李宥伶(LI, YOU-LING)、吳映萱(Ying-Hsuen Wu)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*,Lifitegrast Ophthalmic Solution 5% Is a Safe and Efficient Eyedrop for Dry Eye Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2022 Aug,11(17):5014 2022 . 08
9 顧蔚寧(KU WEI NING)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)*、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、莫之欣、(Henry Bair)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Changes of Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate and Glycated Hemoglobin A1c in Diabetic Macular Edema Patients Treated by Ranibizumab and Aflibercept in the Tertiary Referral Hospital,Medicina-Lithuania,2022 Aug,58(8):1081-1081 2022 . 08
10 黃俐穎(HUANG LI-YING)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、(Henry Bair)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Temporal and Double Inverted Internal Limiting Membrane Flap for Bilateral Choroidal Ruptures Complicated by Bilateral Macular Holes – Case Report,Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology,2022 Mar,x(x):x-x 2022 . 03
11 (Henry Bair)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、(You-Ling Li)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),MultiColor imaging in urticarial vasculitis with recurrent branch retinal artery occlusion in a case with positive toxoplasma IgG and interferon gamma release assay - Case report.,American journal of ophthalmology. Case reports,2022 Feb,26():101437 2022 . 02
12 黃祐得(Huang, Yu-Te)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、(Pei-Lun Liao)、(Min-Yen Hsu)、(Cheng-Hsien Chang)*、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、(Henry Bair)、(Huan-Sheng Chen)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),The incidence of Uveitis after Systemic Lymphoma in Taiwan: A 18-Year Nationwide Population-based Cohort Study,MEDICINE,2022 Feb,101(8):e28881 2022 . 02
13 黃祐得(Huang, Yu-Te)、龔偉勛(WeiHsun Kung)、張丞賢*、顧蔚寧(KU WEI NING)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Endoscopy-assisted extraction of orbital and nasal foreign body,Taiwan Journal Ophthalmology,2021 Oct,11(4):421-424 2021 . 10
14 黃祐得(Huang, Yu-Te)、林純如(Chun-Ju Lin)*、賴俊廷(Chun-Ting Lai)*、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Astigmatism Management with Astigmatism-Correcting Intraocular Lens Using Two Toric Calculators – A Comparative Case Series,Clinical Ophthalmology,2021 Aug,15():3259-3266 2021 . 08
15 謝宜靜(Yi-Ching Hsieh)、張丞賢(Cheng-Hsien Chang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、黃得韻(Ng Teik Ying)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*,Increased risk of tinnitus in patients with early-onset cataracts: a nationwidepopulation-based case-control study,BMC Ophthalmology,2020 Jun,20(230): 2020 . 06
16 曾惠楨(Hui-Chen Tseng)、宋鴻章(Fung-Chang Sung)、莫之欣(Chih-Hsin Mou)、林湘瑜(Hsiang-Yu Lin)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、曾雅玲(Ya-Ling Tzeng)*,Population based retrospective cohort study on risk of retinopathy of prematurity in twins,PLoS One,2020 Mar,15(3):e0230346-0 2020 . 03
17 張丞賢*、顧蔚寧(KU WEI NING)、龔偉勛(WeiHsun Kung)、黃祐得(Huang, Yu-Te)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Navigation‑assisted endoscopic surgery of lacrimal sac tumor,Taiwan Journal Ophthalmology,2020 Feb,10(2):141-143 2020 . 02
18 謝宜靜(Yi-Ching Hsieh)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Long-term observation of graft thickness and shape in Descemet stripping and automated endothelial keratoplasty,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY,2020 Jan,30(1):155-161 2020 . 01
19 夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*,Increased risk of peptic ulcer in patients with early-onset cataracts: A nationwide population-based study,PLoS One,2018 Nov,13(11): 2018 . 11
20 陳柏妤(Chen Bo Yu)、嚴寶勝(Pao-Sheng Yen)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林佩璇(Pei-Hsuan Lin)、黃匯淳(Hui-Chun Huang)*,Optic Nerve Sheath Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Mimicking Carotid Cavernous Fistula,EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY,2018 Nov,80(1-2):17-18 2018 . 11
21 郭鐘元(Chung-Yuan Kuo)、謝宜靜(Yi-Ching Hsieh)*、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*,Spontaneous Resolution of Corneal Edema after Accidentally Descemet's Membrane Stripping in Cataract Surgery,中華民國眼科醫學會雜誌,2014 Apr,53(1):23-27 2014 . 04
22 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林橙莉、彭巧伶(Chiao-Ling Peng)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Increased risk of cancer in patients with Early-onset cataract: A nationwide population-based study,CANCER SCIENCE,2014 Apr,105(4):431-436 2014 . 04
23 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林橙莉、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、(Chiao-Ling Peng)、Ya-Tang Liao、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Patients with Blepharitis Are at Elevated Risk of Anxiety and Depression,PLoS One,2013 Dec,8(12):e83335-e83335 2013 . 12
24 蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、李輝、鄭雅文*,Vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphism and protein expression in the pathogenesis of pterygium.,BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY,2013 Oct,(): 2013 . 10
25 謝宜靜(Yi-Ching Hsieh)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*,clinical results of Descemet's stripping and automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK),Taiwan Journal Ophthalmology,2013 Jun,3(2):54-57 2013 . 06
26 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Combined scraping, coagulation, and subconjunctival bevacizumab in Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty for bullous keratopathy,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY,2013 May,23(3):309-315 2013 . 05
27 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty in abnormal anterior segment: scleral indentation technique to enhance donor adherence.,GRAEFES ARCHIVE FOR CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY,2013 Jan,-(-):--- 2013 . 01
28 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、廖建章(Chiang-Chang Liao)、陳培君(Pei-Chun Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、王玉純(Yu-Chun Wang)*,Population study on chronic and acute conjunctivitis associated with ambient environment in urban and rural areas,Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology,2012 Sep,22(5):533-538 2012 . 09
29 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Immune Ring Formation Associated with Cytomegalovirus Endotheliitis,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY,2012 Aug,154(2):415-415 2012 . 08
30 吳映萱(Ying-Hsuen Wu)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Atypical case of trichilemmal carcinoma of the eyelid,中華民國眼科醫學會雜誌,2011 Dec,50(2):328-332 2011 . 12
31 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林彩秀(Tsai-Hsiu Lin)、田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Atypical presentation of cytomegalovirus endotheliitis: a case report,OCULAR IMMUNOLOGY AND INFLAMMATION,2011 Feb,19(1):69-71 2011 . 02
32 蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*,Endothelial keratoplasty,OPHTHALMOLOGY,2011 Jan,118(1):219-219 2011 . 01
33 蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*、(Kun-Tu Yeh)、李輝、鄭雅文*,Effect of TIMP-1 and MMP in Pterygium Invasion,INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE,2010 Sep,51(7):3462-3467 2010 . 09
34 (Young, C. H.)、邱育德(Yu-Te Chiu)、石東生、(Lin, W. R.)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、(Chou, Y. E.)、(Cheng, Y. W.)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,E-cadherin promoter hypermethylation may contribute to protein inactivation in pterygia,MOLECULAR VISION,2010 Jul,16(-):1047-1053 2010 . 07
35 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Complications and clinical outcomes of descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty with intraocular lens exchange.,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY,2010 Jul,150(1):130-131 2010 . 07
36 (Chi-Hsien Young)、邱育德(Yu-Te Chiu)、(Tung-Sheng Shih,)、(Wan-Ru Lin)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、(Ying-Erh Chou)、鄭雅文、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,E-cadherin promoter hypermethylation may contribute to protein,MOLECULAR VISION,2010 Jun,16(6):1047-1053 2010 . 06
37 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)、鄭雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、曾順輝(Sung-Huei Tseng)、(Rou-Fen Wang)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Pterygium and genetic polymorphisms of the DNA repair enzymes XRCC1, XPA, and XPD,MOLECULAR VISION,2010 Apr,16(4):698-704 2010 . 04
38 田彭太(Peng-Tai Tien)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、林彩秀(Tsai-Hsiu Lin)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*,Clinical Features of Keratouveitis Associated with Cytomegalovirus Infection,中華民國眼科醫學會雜誌,2010 Mar,49(1):78-86 2010 . 03
39 何宜豪(Yi-Hao Ho)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*,CRYSTALLINE KERATOPATHY CAUSED BY ALOCASIA MACRORRHIZA RELATED TRAUMA,中華民國眼科醫學會雜誌,2009 Aug,48(4):570-573 2009 . 08
40 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen),Chronic endophthalmitis after cataract surgery secondary to Ochrobactrum anthropi.,EYE,2009 May,23(5):1237-1238 2009 . 05
41 陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)*,Argon laser trabeculoplasty for late glaucoma after intravitreal triamcinolone.,ACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA,2009 Mar,87(2):238-239 2009 . 03
42 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Allogeneic serum eye drops for the treatment of persistent corneal epithelial defect,EYE,2009 Feb,23(2):290-293 2009 . 02
43 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、邱育德(Yu-Te Chiu)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Comparison of topical fixed-combination fortified vancomycin-amikacin (VA solution) to conventional separate therapy in the treatment of bacterial corneal ulcer,EYE,2009 Feb,23(2):294-298 2009 . 02
44 黃偉成(Wei-Cheng Huang)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)*,Intravitreal bevacizumab for treatment of chronic central serous chorioretinopathy.,EYE,2009 Feb,23(2):488-489 2009 . 02
45 陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*,Unilateral Candida parapsilosis interface keratitis after laser in situ keratomileusis: case report and review of the literature.,CORNEA,2009 Jan,28(1):105-107 2009 . 01
46 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Effect of bevacizumab on human corneal endothelial cells: a six-month follow-up study.,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY,2008 Nov,146(5):688-691 2008 . 11
47 黃偉成(Wei-Cheng Huang)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Autologous serum eye drops for treating persistent corneal epithelial defect after vitreoretinal surgery.,CORNEA,2008 Oct,27(9):1097-1097 2008 . 10
48 林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Ablation centration after active eye tracker-assisted LASIK and comparison of flying-spot and broad-beam laser.,JOURNAL OF REFRACTIVE SURGERY,2008 Aug,24(4):371-376 2008 . 08
49 蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)、鄭雅文、李輝、曾順輝、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Gene 460 Polymorphism Is Associated With Pterygium Formation in Female Patients,CORNEA,2008 May,27(4):476-479 2008 . 05
50 蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、萬磊(Lei Wan)*、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai),A PAX6 gene polymorphism is associated with genetic predisposition to extreme myopia.,EYE,2008 Apr,22(4):576-581 2008 . 04
51 崔永平(Yung-Ping Tsui)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Paracentesis before intravitreal injection of bevacizumab.,CANADIAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY-JOURNAL CANADIEN D OPHTALMOLOGIE,2008 Apr,43(2):239-240 2008 . 04
52 林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)*、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,Ablation centration after active eye tracker-assisted LASIK and comparison of flying-spot and broad-beam laser,JOURNAL OF REFRACTIVE SURGERY,2008 Apr,24(4):371-376 2008 . 04
53 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*、李正淳(Cheng-Chun Lee)、蔡育勲、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Evaluation of transforming growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor polymorphisms in Taiwan Chinese patients with pterygium,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY,2008 Jan,18(1):21-26 2008 . 01
54 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)*,allogeneic serum eye drops for the treatment of severe dry eye in patients with chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease,CORNEA,2007 Aug,26(7):861-863 2007 . 08
55 蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、鄭雅文、曾順輝、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,Pterygium and genetic polymorphism of DNA double strand break repair gene Ku70,MOLECULAR VISION,2007 Aug,13(8):1436-1440 2007 . 08
56 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、蔡宜佑(Yi Yu Tsai)*,Central corneal delle as a complication of erythema multiforme major,CORNEA,2007 May,26(4):479-480 2007 . 05
57 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、鄭雅文、林千琳、李輝、蔡輔仁(Tsai,Fuu-Jen)、曾順輝、蔡宜佑(Yi Yu Tsai)*,Cyclooxygenase 2 expression in pterygium,MOLECULAR VISION,2007 Apr,13(4):635-638 2007 . 04
58 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林正明(Jane-Ming Lin)、蔡宜佑(Yi Yu Tsai)*,Superior keratoconus with inferior paracentral corneal thinning and inferior peripheral pellucid marginal degeneration,EYE,2007 Feb,21(2):266-268 2007 . 02
59 賴德仁(Lai TJ)、蔡宜佑(Tsai Yi-Yu)、鄭雅文(Cheng YW)、江鈞綺(Chiang CC)、李輝(Lee H),An association between BPDE-like DNA adduct levels and P53 gene mutation in pterygium,MOLECULAR VISION,2006 Dec,24(12):1687-1691 2006 . 12
60 (Chen PL)、鄭雅文、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、曾順輝、(Chau PS)、蔡宜佑(Yi Yu Tsai)*,Hypermethylation of the p16 gene promoter in pterygia and its association with the expression of DNA methyltransferase 3b,MOLECULAR VISION,2006 Nov,12(11):1411-1416 2006 . 11
61 邱育德(Yu-Te Chiu)、陳幸宜(Hsin-Yi Chen)、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang),Stratus optical coherence tomography for evaluating optic disc pits associated with maculopathy before and after vitrectomy: two case reports,kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences,2006 May,22(5):229-234 2006 . 05
62 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、林正明(Lin Jane-Ming)、白珮臻、陳文祿(Wen-Lu Chen)、曾順輝、蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),Effects of laser in situ keratomileusis on the corneal endothelium,kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences,2005 Jun,21(6):272-276 2005 . 06
63 蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai),Surgical technique for removing an extensive persistent pupillary membrane,JOURNAL OF CATARACT AND REFRACTIVE SURGERY,2004 Aug,30(8):1622-1625 2004 . 08
64 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、李卓倫(JwoLeun Lee)、(Lai JS)、(Chen.SC)、(Chen CY)、(Chang SK),Utilization of Chinese Medicine in Taiwan,ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES IN HEALTH AND MEDICINE,1997 Jul,3(4):40-53 1997 . 07
65 江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、李卓倫(JwoLeun Lee)、(Lai JS)、(Chen CY)、(Chang SK)、(Chen.SC),The Practice of Chinese Medicine in Taiwan,SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE,1996 Mar,43(9):1329-1348 1996 . 03


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 Prevalence of Uveitis in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Patients in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population Cohort Study,中華民國視網膜醫學會 2024 論文徵選報告,台中日月千禧酒店 5 樓(VEE5),2024.07.27~2024.07.27, 2024 . 07
2 ,台灣眼科學教授學術醫學會2022秋季學術研討會,彰化基督教醫院眼科(彰化市建寶街20號B1),2022.09.25~2022.09.25,Blepharitis or meibomitis 2022 . 09
3 ,台灣眼科學教授學術醫學會2022年春季學術研討,台大國際會議中心,2022.03.26~2022.03.27,角膜移植排斥 2022 . 03
4 ,台灣眼科學教授學術醫學會2021年秋季學術研討會,中山醫學大學附設醫院誠愛樓9樓國際會議廳,2021.10.24~2021.10.24,層狀角膜移植後之角膜潰瘍 2021 . 10
5 Preliminary results of superficial punch technique for Descemet s Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK) donor tissue preparation 以表層環切方式備置捐贈角膜在角膜內皮細胞移 植 (DMEK) 的初步結果,第55次 地方學術研討會,高雄萬豪(朕豪)大酒店,2021.04.10~2021.04.11, 2021 . 04
6 Bilateral corneal edema and total opacity after Mooren's ulcer--A case report,眼科醫學會第55次地方學術研討會,高雄萬豪(朕豪)大酒店,2021.04.10~2021.04.11, 2021 . 04
7 Prokera in ocular surface diseases保視膜 (Prokera) 在角膜疾病的應用,第55次 地方學術研討會,高雄萬豪(朕豪)大酒店,2021.04.10~2021.04.11, 2021 . 04
8 ,中華民國眼科醫學會 第61次 年度學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2020.11.21~2020.11.22,Intense pulsed light (IPL) for dry eye treatment – preliminary results 以脈衝光治療乾眼症初步經驗分享 2020 . 11
9 ,中亞聯大眼科特色醫療研討會,集思台中新烏日會議中心3-4樓,2020.09.6 ~2020.09.6 , 2020 . 09
10 Image-guided navigation system endoscopic decompression of thyroid orbitopathy,第60次年度學術研討會,台北國際會議中心(台北市信義路5段1號),2019.12.13~2019.12.15, 2019 . 12
11 Iridocorneal endothelial syndrome (ICE syndrome) in a boy- case report,中華民國眼科醫學會第58次 年度學術研討會,臺大醫院國際會議中心,2017.11.18~2017.11.19, 2017 . 11
12 淚管支架-淚管管通透栓(Perforated plug),台灣眼科學教授學術醫學會2017 秋季學術研討會,長庚醫療財團法人嘉義長庚醫院,2017.09.24~2017.09.24, 2017 . 09
13 人工鼻淚管的應用與選擇,中華民國眼科醫學會第52次眼科地方學術研討會,台中裕元花園酒店,2017.04.15~2017.04.16, 2017 . 04
14 ,台灣眼科學教授學術醫學會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2017.03.25~2017.03.26,過敏性皮膚炎與角膜的關係和處理 2017 . 03
15 A Novel Technique to Prevent Intraoperative and Postoperative Graft Dislocation in Complicated Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty,中華民國眼科醫學會第51次地方學術研討會,高雄醫藥大學啟川大樓6樓,2016.11.12~2016.11.13, 2016 . 11
16 Spherical Equivalent Change After Triple DSAEK,The 31st Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress ( APAO 2016),台北國際會議中心及世貿展覽館一館,2016.03.24~2016.03.27, 2016 . 03
17 Corneal Graft Shape After DSAEK,The 31st Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress ( APAO 2016),台北國際會議中心及世貿展覽館一館,2016.03.24~2016.03.27, 2016 . 03
18 Corneal Graft Shape After Triple DSAEK and Its Relationship to Postoperative Spherical Equivelant,The 31st Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress ( APAO 2016),台北國際會議中心及世貿展覽館一館,2016.03.24~2016.03.27, 2016 . 03
19 ,中華民國眼科醫學會第49次地方學術演講會,南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20,Intraocular tumor 病例報告 2014 . 04
20 Increased risk of breast cancer in patients with early-onset cataracts:A nationwide population-based study,中華民國眼科醫學會 第49次地方學術演講會,台中南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20, 2014 . 04
21 Pigmented changes or deposits of the cornea and lens lead to the diagnosis of intraocular foreign body,中華民國眼科醫學會 第49次地方學術演講會,台中南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20, 2014 . 04
22 Patients with blepharitis are at elevated risk of anxiety,中華民國眼科醫學會 第49次地方學術演講會,台中南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20, 2014 . 04
23 Endogenous Endophthalmisis with Concomitant Scler Ulcer:A Case Report,中華民國眼科醫學會 第49次地方學術演講會,台中南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20, 2014 . 04
24 Anesthetic Abuse Keratopathy Disguise as Exposure Keratopathy,中華民國眼科醫學會 第49次地方學術演講會,台中南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20, 2014 . 04
25 Neurotrophic ulcer with corneal perforation repaired with amniotic membrane by fibrin glue,中華民國眼科醫學會 第49次地方學術演講會,台中南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20, 2014 . 04
26 Increased risk of hepatoma in patients with early-onset cataracts:A nationwide population-based study,中華民國眼科醫學會 第49次地方學術演講會,台中南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20, 2014 . 04
27 Patients with blepharitis are at elevated risk of depression,中華民國眼科醫學會 第49次地方學術演講會,台中南山人壽教育訓練中心,2014.04.19~2014.04.20, 2014 . 04
28 ,中華民國眼科醫學會100年年會,台北榮民總醫院,2011.11.26~2011.11.27, 2011 . 11
29 Effect of Bevacizumab on Human Corneal Endothelial Cells: A 3-month-follow-up study,Word Ophthalmology Congress,Hong Kong,2008.06.28~2008.07.02, 2008 . 06
30 Vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphisms in age-related macular degeneration,中華民國眼科醫學會,台灣台北,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12
31 Cyclooxygenase 2 expression in pterygium,中,台台,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12
32 The factors affecting visual function and satisfaction after cataract surgery,中,台灣台北,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12
33 Insertion/deletion angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphisms in age-related macular degeneration,中華民國眼科醫學會,台灣台北,2006.12~ , 2006 . 12




研究計畫/Research Grant
1 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH110-REC3-039,林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia),,比較不同人工淚液對角膜塑型片配戴之舒適度及安全性,2023.1.1~2023.12.31 2023 . 01
2 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH110-REC3-039,林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、夏寧憶(Ning-Yi Hsia),,比較不同人工淚液對角膜塑型片配戴之舒適度及安全性,2021.1.1~2021.12.31 2021 . 01
3 個別型,MOST 103-2220-E-039 -001-,邱俊誠(Jin-Chern Chiou)、歐陽盟、廖育德、劉美均、江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、陳幸宜(Hsin-Yi Chen)、段正仁(Jeng-Ren Duann),科技部,長戴型眼壓監控隱形眼鏡臨床前試驗(1/2),2014.5.1~2015.4.30 2014 . 05
4 個別型,DMR-103-067,蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),附醫院內計畫,DNA修復基因 OGG1,XPA,XRCC1和 XPD 的基因多型性和早發性的白內障的相關性,2013.8.1~2014.7.31 2013 . 08
5 國家型,NSC 102-2220-E-039-001,江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、陳幸宜(Hsin-Yi Chen),科技部,前瞻型長時間眼壓監測系統及臨床研究開發-子計畫五:非侵入性隱形眼鏡眼壓感測元件(微晶片式眼壓感測器)的生物相容性,毒性測試,微生物測試,及在臨床應用的安全性評估(3/3),2013.5.1~2014.7.31 2013 . 05
6 整合型(召集人、總主持人),NSC 102-2220-E-039-001-,江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang),科技部,前瞻型長時間眼壓監測系統及臨床研究開發-子計畫五:非侵入性隱形眼鏡眼壓感測元件(微晶片式眼壓感測器)的生物相容性,毒性測試,微生物測試,及在臨床應用的安全性評估(3/3),2013.5.1~2014.7.31 2013 . 05
7 個別型,NSC 100-2410-H-039-001-MY2,江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡崇豪(Chon-Haw Tsai),科技部,背景質地特性對於知覺填補的影響,2012.8.1~2013.7.31 2012 . 08
8 國家型,NSC 101-2220-E-039-001,江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、陳幸宜(Hsin-Yi Chen),科技部,前瞻型長時間眼壓監測系統及臨床研究開發-子計畫五:非侵入性隱形眼鏡眼壓感測元件(微晶片式眼壓感測器)的生物相容性,毒性測試,微生物測試,及在臨床應用的安全性評估(2/3),2012.5.1~2013.4.30 2012 . 05
9 個別型,DMR-101-076,蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),附醫院內計畫,評估omega-3補充品對於慢性眼瞼炎及淚液異常症候群之臨床效果,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 2011 . 08
10 個別型,NSC 100-2410-H-039-001-MY2,江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、蔡崇豪(Chon-Haw Tsai),科技部,背景質地特性對於知覺填補的影響,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 2011 . 08
11 國家型,NSC 100-2220-E-039-001,江鈞綺(Chun-Chi Chiang)、陳幸宜(Hsin-Yi Chen),科技部,前瞻型長時間眼壓監測系統及臨床研究開發-子計畫五:非侵入性隱形眼鏡眼壓感測元件(微晶片式眼壓感測器)的生物相容性,毒性測試,微生物測試,及在臨床應用的安全性評估(1/3),2011.5.1~2012.4.30 2011 . 05
12 個別型,NSC 98-2314-B-039-009-MY2,蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),科技部,利用彗星分析法分析不同BER基因型的翼狀贅片在UV造成DNA損傷後其修復功能差異,2010.8.1~2011.7.31 2010 . 08
13 個別型,DMR-100-100,蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),附醫院內計畫,評估巨大細胞病毒感染所造成的前葡萄膜炎或角膜內皮細胞炎其病毒量對於角膜內皮細胞的傷害程度影養及治療預後評估,2010.8.1~2011.7.31 2010 . 08
14 個別型,NSC 98-2314-B-039-009-MY2,蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),科技部,利用彗星分析法分析不同BER基因型的翼狀贅片在UV造成DNA損傷後其修復功能差異,2009.8.1~2010.7.31 2009 . 08
15 個別型,DMR-98-078,蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),附醫院內計畫,不同年齡之自體血清蛋白成分差異及對角膜疾病治療之比較,2008.8.1~2009.7.31 2008 . 08
16 個別型,DMR-97-083,蔡宜佑(Yi-Yu Tsai),附醫院內計畫,Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)訊息傳遞路徑與翼狀贅片形成之相關性研究,2007.8.1~2008.7.31 2007 . 08





